Maintaining Your Field

by FrozenFlames

Your field is a very important aspect of life, especially for that of a psion. With a dirty, sickly field, one's psionics are greatly lessened from their full potential. You also will not feel your physical or mental "best". Although there are many paradigms on the subject, many are false. Quite a few people believe that everyone's field is clean and healthy, unless you are a "bad" person. This is, by far, the most idiotic thing I have ever heard. Just as your body collects dirt naturally (and you take showers to rid yourself of this dirt), your field also collects psionic "dirt" naturally, and you must also rid yourself of this "dirt". However, field cleanliness is the least of your worries. Your field's "health" is the most overlooked aspect of field maintenance, and in my opinion, the most important. Allow me to delve deeper into the subject, as there are three categories to field maintenance: Cleanliness, Condition, and Health. When one cleans their field, I call it simply cleaning the field. When one improves the condition of their field, I call it "buffing" the field. And lastly, when one keeps their field in proper health, I have no name for it. The reason for this being the fact that it is a much longer process. One may sit down, clean their field, and then buff their field. However, keeping the field in good health is something that happens over a span of days and weeks.

Field Cleanliness

Maintaining a healthy field will surely keep one's field clean. Proper shielding will also help the matter. However, even the most healthy of fields, with the best of shields, will regularly get dirty. So the question of "how do I clean my field?" surely comes to mind. There are many methods, all with the same result. Just as there are numerous methods for shielding (in which the same effect is brought about using different methods and visualizations), there are numerous methods for field cleaning. One popular visualization is to close ones eyes, and imagine yourself in a very peaceful place. You are sitting under a waterfall, and it is flowing gently over your body. You then see all the psionic "junk" and "debris" in your field being gently washed away, leaving a clean, glistening field. Another method used by a friend of mine is to visualize all the "dirt" in you field loosening. Then a huge rake comes from above and pulls all the dirt into the earth. Many times you must repeat these visualizations until you achieve the desired effect: a clean field. On rare occasions the debris in your field will not loosen. In these rare occasions, for some odd reason, rattles are known to loosen the debris. Yes, actual rattles. Musical rattles, baby rattles, etc. Just shake the rattle all around your field, then clean, then shake the rattle again, then clean, and repeat until your desired effect has been achieved.

Field Condition

One may boast the cleanest of fields, yet it may still look like garbage. Just as one may thoroughly clean their car, the car itself may still look like junk. Why? Because the car may have dents, holes, and the like. Sometimes a good wax will make a car look brand new, and keep the car clean for longer periods of time. The same applies to ones field. Fields are known to get "dents" and "scratches" in them. When one's field condition is improved, I call it "buffing" the shield. To buff the field, I do not know many visualizations that really work. I only know one, and it works quite well for me. I discovered it by simply experimenting. However, experimenting with a field is something I strongly do not recommend. You can easily make a mistake, screw up, and mess up your field for a long time. Although I believe this exercise to be safe, it is not a safe thing to start messing around with something as important as your field. So, I've been talking about the exercise for so long, how about I actually tell you what the exercise is. This should only be done after one has cleaned their field. Once your field is sufficiently clean, you may move on to buffing it. The method I found to work the best is to sit down, very relaxed, and feel your field. Feel and visualize the entire thing. Then pull the shield in close around you. A normal field may extend approx. two feet out in all directions. However, you want to pull all of that evenly inwards to your body. Then begin to very slowly and steadily spin your field around you. Then visualize all the energy equalizing. Think about it, what would a "dent" be in a field? It is more energy in one area, than another. So by doing this, you are making all the energy go from unequal (concentrated in some areas, not concentrated in others), to equal (evenly spread throughout the field). Then slowly see the energy coming to a stop. Then visualize the energy expanding back out into its original position, but now with no dents. You should now see a perfectly clean field, with energy that is now evenly spread throughout your entire field. However, even with all of this done, your field may still look like a piece of junk. Why you ask? Because there is still one topic we have not covered yet, and that is your field's health. This is something that cannot be fixed as quickly and easily as the other two topics we have covered.

Field Health

This is a much more in-depth topic to discuss. This is where my job gets a little harder. I will break this down into four main sections: Exercise, Diet, Sleep, and Energy Flow. All of these things put together will greatly increase the health of your field. As you will realize, your field is part of you. That means that your bodily health directly relates to your field health. And that means that if you are sick, your field gets sick, if you are very healthy, your field is very healthy, etc. Field health is something that cannot be fixed as quickly and easily as the other two topics we have covered because it takes time to improve your bodily health.

Exercise: Exercise, it is the scary word we fear so much. Not to worry, I'm not going to tell you to go out, buy a whole gym, and work out every day for hours. No, I don't expect that from you. Being a martial artist, I am a sort of "health nut". I am well educated in what you should put into your body, and how you should exercise. So although I myself exercise quite a lot, it is my profession, and I will not demand that of you. However, I do think it a good idea to consider jogging. I'm not talking about running a marathon every day. I mean that you should prioritize your schedule so you can fit in a little extra time. Then take that time to go outside, do a few stretches, a few push-ups, a few sit-ups, jog a mile, and then stretch again. If you can't do a mile yet, then do less and work your way up. You'll realize that you'll start feeling like you have more energy, and you'll feel a lot better physically. If you really don't have the time, than don't exercise. I'd rather you get hundreds on your test scores than be in better shape. But if you really prioritize and work out a schedule, I think you'll find that you have a little extra time that you can use to work out a bit.

Diet: Diet, another feared word by society. Perhaps even more feared than the word "exercise". In my life of martial arts, I have learned to like the bland tastes of proper food. Numerous diets exist, and 99% of these diets are complete crap. A person can be skinny and still be unhealthy. In fact, a person can be slightly overweight and still be healthier than a person who is the proper weight. It's all about putting the proper things in your body. This means following the dreaded food pyramid. The best diet is right in front of us. Just eat the proper things. This means much less sugar and fried foods. Also, try to spread your food throughout the day as much as possible. That means that instead of a big breakfast, lunch, and dinner (three big meals), you should have six small meals spread evenly throughout your day. Your body isn't made to digest large amounts of food at one period of time. Plus, eating like this (six small meals) keeps your metabolism going, which is a good thing. Also, try sticking to water, around eight glasses per day. If you are working out like I recommended, Gatorade is ok too. Now, I realize I just took all the fun out of eating and drinking, and made things really hard on you. I honestly don't expect you to follow this diet at all. But at least try to slim down on how much junk food you take in. Try to drink a few more glasses of water. Just try it out and see how you feel, you'll be surprised. Think before you eat. If you want to know more about the proper way to eat and excerise, check out . It's a great site and also contains a few healthy recipes, because cooking healthy isn't always easy. And remember, eat your veggies! ;-)

Sleep: Sleep, now that’s a word we understand! You're probably thinking, "Jogging I can maybe do. That diet thing is ridiculous, no way I'm doing that. But sleep, I can certainly use more of that!" And yes, you can. The average person needs a good eight hours worth of sleep. I remember there was one time, a few months ago, in which I got barely any sleep for an entire week. I could barely even make a decent psiball. I cannot stress how important sleep is to a good and healthy field. Once again, prioritize and find time to get more sleep. If that means missing your late night TV shows, than just tape them and watch them later! Not only do you need a good amount of sleep, but you need a schedule. Even if you get eight hours every day, you may still feel tired if you go to sleep early one day, and late the next. Try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. Once again, sleep is a huge factor in a good field.

Energy Flow: Our last topic is energy flow. The reason I saved this for the last topic is because it is not as important as the others. If you get good exercise, eat right, and get a nice amount of sleep, you energy flow will naturally improve. However, for some of you out there that want a really exceptional energy flow, this is something that can be improved further. However, this is no substitute for the previous three topics. Think of it as an extra. Once you do the first three, then you can put more focus on this last fourth topic. So how do you improve your energy flow? The answer is simple, an ancient art entitled: Daoist Qigong. Proper Qigong will improve posture, physical condition, and your energetic flow. However, Qigong is an extremely broad topic and is outside the scope of this article. For more information try searching the internet on google for something like "Daoist Qigong" or "Zhuan Zhuang".


A clean field is marked by a field with no psionic "junk" floating around in it. A "buffed" field is marked by a field with energy that is evenly spread throughout the field. A healthy field is marked by a field that feels "good", looks dense and thick (not skinny, with barely any energy), and just somehow "healthy". When you put all of these things together, you get a perfect field. One that will feel healthy and vibrant. You will most likely feel physically and mentally better, and your psionics will most likely improve. I realize that diet and exercise might be a major pain for you, but if you can manage it, try to do it. For some of you, sleep might be equally as hard. Those of you with a lot of work on your hands may just not have the time. However, I encourage all of you to try to maintain the healthiest field that you can. As for cleaning and buffing, this only takes minutes to do, so I do not see how any of you can have an excuse not to do this. The best of luck to you all.


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