Hey guys,
I fixed a bug in the layout that caused the "Home" link to go to somewhere other than psionline.org. It was really annoying.
I also fixed a bug in my mailto link. It now points to ...@gmail.com instead of @gmial.com. Whoopsy! No wonder nobody caught it, they couldn't e-mail me : P
Articles are still on the way, as mentioned in the last news post. You can check out what I listed in that post, by looking at the right hand navigation and looking for the other post in March.
Labels: News
Hey guys!
I know its been a long long time since I've posted any news, but college is a busy time! I'm on spring break currently (spring, haha...) so I will be making some updates. Here's what I have in store:
A new psiball article to replace the old one. The old one has some dangerous misconceptions and things in it that should have been addressed long ago.
An introduction article on Skill Integration. This one has been long overdue, seeing as that SI is the main goal in this site.
A small article/tutorial on proper compression techniques. Making your constructs smaller requires some care. Think of it as a .zip file (or .tar.bz2, for you UNIX people).
An philosophy based article about the ethics of telepathic suggestion.
The PAP will finally be up.
If I have some time, I plan on replaceing the utterly useless and defunct "All Articles" page with something more useful. Namely a completely structured lesson plan complete with virtual courses that are made of sets of articles. This is for those people that feel they need guidance in how to progress their studies.
I also plan on putting up the old pictures. They've been gone for like what, 2 years now?
And on a final note, there is a big possibility that I will be selling my HP laptop and acquiring a macbook.
Labels: News