The Policies and Procedures document or PAP, is the set of well defined and organized rules and guidelines that follows. This document is intended to cover not only member rules, but also content restrictions and staff regulations. It is required of those who want to participate in the online community to read and abide by the first two sections of this document; "General Website Guidelines" and "Member Guidelines".


Here are the people that have made possible.


Stony1205 is the administrator and lead coder of PsiOnline. He has been practicing psionics since he was 10 years of age. He specializes in energy manipulation, though has sufficient experience in other areas as well. He started PsiOnline about 3 years ago as "PsiBook" on geocities. Since then, it has become, and Stony continues to grow the website. He has been a long time member at PsiPog, with membership ranging 5+ years. He was a forum moderator at PsiPog as well. He isn't al buisness though. He plays lead Tenor Saxohophone in his high school Jazz Ensemble, and doubbles on Soprano Saxophone as well as Clarinet. He was Saxophone Section Leader for his school's marching band as well. His hobbies include jazz, sailing, bow hunting, and open source development. Sorry laides, he's currently taken.

WolfDancer has been a long time member of PsiOnline. She helped get the site out of its "baby" stages, and was influential in creating the community. She was the first of the "new staff".

No bio information avaliable.

No bio information avaliable.

Lady Hawke
Lady Hawke has been a personal friend of Stony1205 for a long while, and has agreed to help moderate PsiOnline. She has been practicing for a number of years and is very knowlegable, epesially in clarivoyant areas.


No bio information avaliable.

Peebrain is a well known figure in the online psionic world. He created PsiPog, and has been a member of many communities. He is currently working on a new project to show his new direction in psionics.

DanielH has been a long time member of PsiOnline as well as PsiPog. Though he mostly lurks, he is very insightful, and has been an excellent person to turn to in times of need.

Hech has contributed many works throughout the years and was a long time member of PsiOnline. Before taking his leave, he gave PsiOnline quite a few articles

No bio information avaliable.

DevilsAdvocate (DA for short) has been an amazing help to PsiOnline. She has nearly single handedly raised the intelligence level in the forums using good research, debate, and problem solving techniques.

No bio information avaliable.

No bio information avaliable.


These pictures have been submitted by members of PsiOnline. Each one is copyright its respective owner.


Replacing the eRadio, the eVideo system is an easy way for me (and eventually other members) to post various pieces of recorded content. These things include examples of skills, article readings, rants, special programs, pretty much anything! The videos will be hosted on YouTube and will be embedded onto individual pages on this website.

Complete Article Index

This is a directory of all the article categories that are here at Each link has a description that tells about what you will find in each one of the categories. They are listed in alphabetical order.

Advanced Articles
These articles are for psychics who have been at their skills for a long time, and have complete control over what they do and when they do it. These skills are very involved and take a great deal of skill to use properly. Many of these skills are also more dangerous to use. Only psychics with a good deal of experience should use any of the articles here.

Beginner's Articles
The polar opposite of the above category, these articles for those who are newest to psionics. The basic building blocks of a psychic education can be found here. Things like psiballs, visual programing, and the like are presented here. Though the articles are for beginners, there isn't any harm in a more experienced person taking a refresher. You never know when you might need one.

Construct Applications
The works presented here give both brief and lengthy overviews and tutorials on constructs and their respective uses. The articles in Construct Applications come in a large variety and cover a wide rage of topics. Things such as corruption are covered in this section.

Defense Articles
These items deal with psychic self defense. While it is against the PAP of PsiOnline to teach or discuss offensive techniques, self defense is an important aspect in psychic life that should be learned by everyone. Things such as complex shields and hiding methods are discussed in this section.

Energy Work
The manipulation of energy itself is a key component in the topics presented here at PsiOnline. In order for you to do any sort of construct application, you must be able to manipulate the energy you're using. These articles show you how to use your energy beyond the average construct.

Intermediate Articles
These pieces are for the majority of our members. Most people come to read articles in this skill level. They've had between months and a year or two of practice (be it steady or not), and feel that they have average control of their skills and are ready to start refining or concentration in one area of study. These articles assume that the practitioner has the basic skills mostly down pat.

These are logs from previous chat room sessions, online practices, seminars, or important chat events. They have been edited for easier reading and academic enjoyment.

All construct applications must be programed in order to do their jobs. This programing can be brought about in many different formats, yet they all accomplish the same thing. A good psychic should be familiar with lots of different programing methods.

When our staff or authors feel the need to get something off their chest, they'll submit an article to be placed in the rant section. These articles are opinions of the authors and in no way reflect the ideas of PsiOnline or any other staff attributed to PsiOnline.

Remote Viewing
Being able to gather information about a person or location remotely is a very valuable tool. It has been experimented with by various organizations including the CIA. Check out this famous skill and some of its implementations.

Though many scientists consider psychic abilities as pseudoscience, there has been research done. This section presents any research that members of PsiOnline have done.

In order to prevent personal harm, a smart psychic should shield his or herself from any overload or danger that they might come across. Though there are many methods and types of shielding, each serves its own unique purpose. The articles in this section should help you sort out what to use when and how to create them once you've decided.

The communication of data is an important aspect for any psychic. If raw data cannot be sent or received without some third party device, there can be serious consequences in your experience as a psychic. These simple articles will prepare you for these aspects of psychic communication.

Whenever I need to post about the site, or if I have something that I think other admins would find useful, I will post it in this section. While it doesn't have anything to do directly with psionics, I think other website owners could benefit from some of the things I've learned.

Hi all!

I apologize for not giving everyone the updates that I had promised. A lot of this has to do with college, but the technical back end has also had an effect. On the brinkster server it was very difficult for me to put up updates due to my arrangements. Not only that, but I had to manually update the "database" myself, which was very time consuming. I've moved to Blogger in an attempt to make publishing updates a lot easier, and giving the community a chance to comment on individual things.

I am currently working on uploading all of the content into this new blog format, and I will be adding a few new features to the website as well. The Forums are still open for everyone to use and have not changed. Hopefully this will push PsiOnline into the "Web 2.0" age of RSS feeds and all that jazz.

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