eVideo - On Starting Over

This video describes how my psionic situation was going on November 30, 2007. It talks about things I didn't do correctly in the past, mistakes I'm making now, and what I'm doing to correct them. It also asks the question:

"If you could go back and change something about your psionic practices, what would you change and why?"

1 Comment:

  1. Sean said...
    The only thing I would change is a shift of focus. Instead of focusing on scientific proof, I would instead focus on having fun, scientifically. In the past, while I tried my hardest to have fun, in reality I was desperate for finding actual PROOF. I think that's a mistake. Having fun should be the top priority, imho, because it promotes a healthy state of mind, and allows for the most growth. Searching for proof is somewhat important... but I think I take it too seriously if I don't police myself ;-P.

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