Mission Statement

You are here because you're asking some very important questions. "What is PsiOnline setting out to do here? What are they trying to give me? How is PsiOnline different from any other online community?"

PsiOnline is here to cover what is considered a skill for "newbies". A "simple" skill that is usally left for some other practices and ignored for what it can really bring to the table. However, Energy Manipulation should not be taken so lightly. It is an invaluable skill required by everyone, not just for shields and wards, but for construct applications in a wide variety of areas. Applications that will make your life, and possibly other's lives that much easier. We have six major goals:

  1. To give a strong foundation on Energy Manipulation to any new psychic.
  2. To teach the basics of other skills to provide good backing, with a focus on later use in Energy Manipulation.
  3. To give advanced students the tools needed to combine multiple skills with construct applications
  4. To give a launch pad for advanced students to begin their own studies
  5. To provide Energy Manipulation related content (articles, pictures, eVideo) in a way no other community does
  6. To provide a helpful community environment that everyone can enjoy.

Integration is the basic idea of PsiOnline. So much so that it has its own section. We are not out to replace PsiPog, or to offer 100% coverage on every single topic. We offer average (intermediate level) coverage on most topics, with the intent that the skill will be used in integration, or will be researched elsewhere for perfection. Does this mean our community wont assist in these skills or hold seminars? No, we will be glad to help anyone with any skill! It simply means that those extra skills will not be our main focus.

In other words, we are a streamlined and focused site. This website should not be your only resource. You should experiment in other communities to gain as much experience as you possibly can. If you are here expecting a full education in every single area, you have come to the wrong place. Though many sites try to achieve that goal, I doubt many of them (if any) are completely successful at that.

If you're completely new to psionics, I suggest you begin in the Begginer's Section. This will give you a good start. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, don't hesitate to e-mail me! psionline@gmail.com


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