by Cullen

Here is the sequel to my first article on Energy Manipulation. Before trying the things in this article, I ask that you are able to make a strong psi-ball within fifteen minutes. The practice ideas that I am going to go over require some basic skill with energy. Also, please remember, if at any time you feel light headed or ill in any way, please stop, take a break, and try again more slowly.

Because there is so much that I want to cover, I am going to split this article up into a few sections. The topics are not in extreme detail, but give the reader some information to play with.
- Advanced Manipulation: Gaining control and sensitivity
- Advanced Psi Balls: Constructing/Programming
- Advanced Shielding: Different Methods and Shield Types

Advanced Manipulation: Gaining control and Sensitivity

In my experience, plain psi manipulation is one of the most overlooked of the psi abilities, probably because people assume it to be more or less useless. This analysis is very wrong. Basic energy manipulation has come in handy to me more than any of the other skills I have. By increasing sensitivity, you can increase your senses to go beyond sight, smell, touch, sound, and taste, to detect things you would be unable to before. As you try to learn more and more advanced techniques, you need to work out some kind of basic training schedule. What you do and when, I will leave up to you, but some things any good exercise should have include:

1. Drawing: Generate as much psi as you can, and then attempt to push the limit. This is a very important part, but could also be considered the most dangerous. When doing this you have the greatest risk of getting a light to severe headache, or even worse side effects. Take it slow! By doing this, however, you will develop your ability to draw on psi easily, learn your limit, and improve upon how much energy you can draw. Over time, you will have access to more and more psi, as your body adjusts to the demand. It is like a muscle that you need to exercise, but I would recommend only doing this every other day or so until you get good at controlling the amount of energy. Please do not push yourself hard in the beginning, when you're just starting. That's when your body needs to adjust the most.

2. You should always practice psi balls. No matter how advanced you get, make as many psi balls as you can without over-exerting yourself. This is important in gaining control.

3. You should practice whatever skill you are currently working on. Try it a few times. Once you can do it, practice it on a regular basis. If you don't keep up your skills, they will degrade.

4. Cool-down. Take a few minutes after practice to shut down stop all psychic activity and just relax.

That is a basic exercise. It hits all the bases, and will almost definitely help you in improvement, but tailor it to your time constraints.

Now then, sensitivity. This is a very important skill to develop. There are different kinds of sensitivity, but for the purposes of this article, I am going to define it as the ability to feel/detect your, and other's, psi energy. A good way to practice this is to have two people and three objects (juggling balls, plastic soda caps, something tangible.) What you should do is have one person charge or focus energy into one of the objects, then have the other person feel in which one it resides. When just starting use a relaxed hand and move it over each one to feel for the psi. Once you have developed your abilities further, you can focus on it from farther away and determine which one has the psi. (Note: Remember to clean up the psi after each try or else you will get mixed readings from the residual energy.) Keep trying to make it harder as you get better to improve you sensitivity in this area.

A useful tech is to make a large energy field around your body, create a large sphere of loose energy as far out as you can make it, then fill in the place between it with loose energy, almost like a webbing. Use this net to gather information about your surroundings, where people are, the lay of the land. The better you get, the more precise information you will be able to obtain. I always keep my field running programmed to warn me of danger. While I haven't gone over programming yet, I thought you should know that this field has saved my life a couple of times, and kept me out of car wrecks even more. That pretty much sums up my basic energy portion of the article. Next comes Advanced Psiballs and programming.

Advanced Psi Balls: Constructing/Programming

As asked before, I need you to be able to create a strong psi ball within fifteen minutes. Now, because strong is different for different people, I will try to define it. For you, a strong psi ball should require a high level of concentration, and most of the energy you can control at once. If you have been practicing what was in the last section for a while, you probably might notice that it takes nearly no concentration to form a basic psi ball. But to someone just starting out, it could take lots of concentration and most of their controllable energy in order to make the same psi ball. Everything is relative to the one doing the work.

You have probably heard about programming either from the title of this section, or countless other articles on the web. And some people might think, "Wow, that sounds hard!" Well, that is both true and false. Whenever you make a psi ball, you are programming, albeit on a low scale, and generally with very little skill. So, going through the steps you go through to create a psiball is also very useful for making more complex constructs. When making a construct, it is important to know exactly what you want the construct to do before you begin. You need to know what kind of structure it needs to have, what each component will do, in what order you will create it, and how you will use it after it is made. A good practice for this is creating a construct that is bound to a small object. I did one recently with a bottle cap. Here is a walk-through of a good practice for doing this. It is good to practice each component of the process separately when you are just starting out.

1. Know what you are doing: I am sitting looking at the bottle cap. I am going to create a psiball, attach it to the bottle cap, and add a final layer that will hold the energy and keep it from bleeding off.

2. Gather energy: I now gather enough energy to complete the first part of my construct.

3. Create the first layer: I now form the psiball. I picture a ball in my mind and place it between my hands, I feel the energy form into the ball, and continue to add energy until it is strong enough to my liking.

4. Attaching the psiball: I pick up the object in one hand while holding the psiball intact with my mind. I now overlay the psiball on the bottle cap and condense it to the shape of the cap. I pick several (three usually works well for me) points and I envision the energy attaching to those points and becoming solid there. I focus this thought on each of the three points until the psi holds there. (Remember to keep your focus)

5. Finishing: Now I gather another large amount of psi. I form it into a shell around my construct, and program (think the structure into it) it to hold form and hold energy.

That is all there is to attaching energy to an object, and forming a decent construct in the process. Many times, you will need to work through each part. Once you have completed the task a number of times, you will find it is possible to set quick keys of a sorts. You can know that certain phrasees or visualizations make a certain construct or add a certain effect to the psi. These are VERY useful when trying to multitask and create complex constructs.

If you want to create more complex constructs, you will need to practice basic ones a lot in order to build up experience. Once you are able to use the quick commands to do things such as creating a psiball, or forming a shell to keep it solid without perpetual concentration, you should start experimenting (carefully of course) with different kinds of constructs. You can in fact give these imbedded constructs different attributes. Stony added constructs to a deck of cards, each card with a different construct.* (see below) I have done this to a few everyday items. With every ability you gain, you will be able to use it in other parts of psionics, so keep practicing and learning new things.

Some examples of things to try:

A ring or item that affects chance: I have done this.

An item that glows (flared construct): haven't done this yet.

An item that gives a psychokinetic push: Haven't done this yet.

An item that increases mental acuity: Done it to a limited degree. Still need to verify the results.

There is my article on advancing through Energy Manipulation. I hope you learned something, so, until my next article, practice and be safe.

*This project will have an article all to itself later on. Signed: Stony1205


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