Fork Off!

by Stony1205

Ah, fork bending. It's what many people think of when it comes to psychic abilities. The "mind over matter" concept seems to pop into mind when one considers bending a nice piece of their mother's cutlery. Actually, there is no telekinesis involved in this method. "What is involved then?" you say. I'll give you a clue, you learned it your first day practicing. No? Energy.

The method mentioned here and on consists of using large amounts of energy in a tight space in order to make metal soft. The method seems to work for most people, although not always the first time. Note that you are not bending the fork with your mind, you have to do the bending with your hands, you are just making the metal pliable enough to easily twist.

So let's begin. First off, you'll need a piece of cutlery (Please don't use knives, I don't need you with metal splinters in your eye.) and you will also need some quiet time. I find it easier to concentrate when there are few or no distractions around me. We'll start by doing a nice channeling process. This is nothing more than energy manipulation really, so it should be quite familiar to you. You can meditate first if that's your cup of tea, but I usually don't. The fork-you method says to use a golden ball of energy above your head, but I just draw from myself, seeing as it comes from there anyway.

I usually pinch grip the area where I want the fork to bend at, but you can hold it anyway you wish. Begin moving the energy to the area you want to bend. I usually picture my energy as a warm kind of haze that starts to heat the fork. Don't just picture the energy either, try to hear it, smell it, feel it. The more senses you use, the more vivid and accurate your energy will be. Remember to keep all that energy moving and swirling in the fork, and to stay concentrated on your task. Keep up this warm energy movement for about ten minutes or so and then move on to the next step.

Now that you have put a good deal of "warm" energy into the fork, it's time to take it up a notch. This is where my method differs from that of fork-you. Take that nice golden warm energy and picture it turning to burning hot magma as soon as it hits the fork. Move the energy more forcefully and make the fork's particles move a bit faster. Sometimes, I like to picture the spot I'm pinch gripping becoming somewhat like mercury; liquid like and slushy, yet still somewhat solid. Keep up the more intense energy for about five to ten minutes. Now try a bend at that spot. You shouldn't have to use any force at all. If you find yourself using any force, stop and bring in more energy.

Now we come to what I like to call "forced inconcentration". Some people like to use this method, others do not. I find that concentrating the whole way through the bend works better, but your mind will probably work differently than mine. If you want to try the "inconcentration", just relax and leisurely push hot "magma energy" into the fork. Chill out, talk in the chat room, have a staring contest with kitty, whatever. After about ten minutes of this, gently try to bend the fork. If it bends easily, try to twist it into something really cool, because the softness won't last very long. I find I only have a maximum of about fifteen seconds before it becomes solid again. If you plan on focusing the whole time, just keep pumping that energy in and "melting" the fork. Personally, I like to focus the entire time, and I see better results from it. Some examples from the PK party are on PsiPog, and I used the full focus method to do those. It's really just up to you.

I've tried bending about twenty-five times and I've only managed to get real nice results about five times. Of course, I didn't practice on it daily, but it is still one of the harder tasks associated with energy manipulation. Perhaps one day I'll be able to make cool looking designs and such, but for now, I'm very intent on the simple bends. If you find yourself frustrated, take a break or, take it out on the fork, that always eases my stress :-D. As with any skill, keep practicing and you'll get it eventually.


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