How to Alter Your Signature

by FrozenFlames

So what is a sig? It is a psychic fingerprint. Everyone has a unique sig, and it is permanently in their psi constructs as well as in themselves. Nobody can completely remove their sig, even from their constructs. If I want to scan Joey's shields, I must first locate them by using his sig. However, 99% of the time sig location is done, it is subconscious. Most people will simply think, "I wish to scan Joey," so they do. However, if Joey masks his sig, it will become extremely difficult to accurately scan him. The same goes for sending constructs. Most will simply program, "Go to Joey," into their constructs. The construct will then find them by using their sig, and then go to them. However, if their psychic fingerprint is masked, the result is obvious. So that is for what the sig is and does. But what does a sig feel like? That is extremely difficult to describe. Lets use some test subjects: Take a few people you barely know. Maybe look in your school Year Book. Now pick out about five random people. Look at the first person's name, picture, or both. Concentrate on it, but stay relaxed. Think about their name. A feeling may come to you, something that is hard to put your finger on. Now do the same with the other four. All of them should have different "feelings". Some may be similar, but like a fingerprint, all are different. This is their sig.

Intro to Sig Alteration

Hiding one's sig (or "psionic signature" and "psychic fingerprint"), is probably one of the most overlooked skills. Yet, in my opinion, it also stands strong as one of the most important skills. Imagine yourself a combatant. Now let us hypothesize that you are currently trying to scan your enemy so you may learn about his defense systems. But as a twist, let us say that your enemy has a Masking Shield around him. This shield does not make him "invisible", nor does it make him "unnoticeable", to the public eye. However, that only is true when discussing the aspect of face-to-face encounter. For when you attempt to scan your enemy with this particular shield, you find it impossible to "locate" him. It feels similar to attempting grabbing a fish in the water with your bare hands. It is near impossible to grasp the fish but once you do, it slips out of your grip and swims out of reach. It is very frustrating, to say the least. This is why masking your sig is so vital in certain situations.

A psionic signature is what all psions must use to locate you and scan you, hack you, attack you, etc. There is no other way. If that sig is "masked", then it is very hard to find. Thus, it is hard to do anything to that person. On the psionic/psychic "map", the person has virtually vanished. If one is more trained and better a psion than the person who is masked (or perhaps the Masking Shield was poorly made), it is possible to find them, but it still remains difficult.

Now let us delve deeper into this whole "sig business", and move onto the second topic of Sig Alteration. Imagine, yet again, that you are trying to find this enemy. You believe you have located your prey, when you come to realize that it is a signature dummy! You thought you had found your enemy, but in reality it was simply a replica of their sig sitting somewhere else in time, space, and the psychic realm. So you discard of the dummy and attempt to find your real opponent, in which you cannot because he or she keeps "slipping" from your grasp (the Masking Shield). The whole ordeal would be quite frustrating to say the least.

There remains one more sig altering technique to address: Sig Replication. This is where you replicate a sig (your own or another's) onto something, whether it be yourself, a construct, or thoughtform. This can be useful in many ways for offensive combat. It can come in handy for defensive purposes as well. I will not discuss the offensive purposes, however the defensive purposes I will confabulate briefly here: One purpose is mentioned in my article on last minute defense constructs. I talk about a construct I entitled a "Stamper". This construct has programming to seek out any target construct you give it, and imprint your own sig into it. The senario is that an enemy created attack constructs to destroy your shielding:

"Send this Stamper out, aimed at the attacker's shields. It then goes to his shields and puts your sig into it (a lot of shields actually won't block this, as it isn't an attack). Now that shield has its programming, the sig of its creator (whether hidden a little or not), and your sig (which usually looks like its "smeared" all over it). Now all those nasty little constructs that are aimed at you (your sig) will fly to the assailant's shield as well! It will be quite confusing when the attacker launches a few mean constructs, and he ends up hitting himself. Then he will most likely realize that his shield now has your sig on it (as it will feel extremely different). So now he will have to either: (1.) Remove your sig from the shield (which takes a certain level of skill), (2.) Put special programming in his constructs to ignore anything with his sig in it as well (which takes extra time), or finally (3.) Take down his shielding completely, and then put it up again (which is obviously the most unrecommended plan of action). So Stampers are a quick way to delay the enemies attacks, whether for only seconds or minutes."

Now you see one way in which Sig Replication can come in handy, replicating your sig onto an enemy's shield to trick the enemy constructs. Another way in which this would come in handy is for defending a friend. If you know your friend is under attack, you can replicate his sig onto a simple psiball, then send the psiball away to a random location. This would be Sig Relocation on another person's sig, a form of Sig Replication.

Sig Masking: How-To

So how do you mask a sig? Easy, with a specially programmed shield. If you do not know how to make a basic shield (or how to program one), find out now by means of reading an article on that particular topic. If you already know how to make a basic shield, then continue reading and we shall discuss the process of constructing the shield in question.

You begin by thinking over the programming and the process in which you will construct the shield. All your visualizations and thoughts should be thought over before hand (as with any construct). Then you begin the construction. So first, you will start by picking your preferred shielding method. Once you have picked this out, you will think over your programming words, feelings, or if you prefer, concepts. Along the lines of words, your programming might be something like, "Hide/mask my sig from anyone and everyone". Tactile programming methods might be something like the feeling of invisibility from the psionic community. For visual programming methods, you might like to see yourself unshielded. Then visualize the shielding forming around you, and the shield suddenly turning invisible (along with you inside it). You might like to visualize a psionic/psychic "map" that encompasses every human psionic signature. Then visualize a dot that represents you and your sig. Then visualize that dot "disappearing" and becoming invisible. You might like to use both methods. For this particular shield-type, I prefer the visual method only. I like to visualize myself in a black space, and then the shield forming around me and turning black, masking me into the fabric of the void I reside in. Another visual method might be to visualize people attempting to scan you, and you may visualize those scans at links shooting from their minds. Then visualize those links searching around, but never being able to find you.

Once you pick your method, you can begin. You might also like to "mess around" with different methods, to find the one that works best for you. Start by raising your energy level. You might like to warm up by making a simple psiball, giving it a basic program, and then destroying it. Then begin to form the shield. Once it is formed, program it the way you thought of beforehand. Or if you prefer, form and program the shield at the same time. Some people prefer to do things that way. Once you're done, kindly ask a few people to scan you. If they mention it being difficult because they couldn't "locate" you, then you've had success! Also note that if you do not know how to program or create a shield, as mentioned earlier: read an article on it. Programming and shield creation is outside the scope of this manual.

Remember that it is still possible to locate you while you are masked (whether it be because of poor programming on your part, or because the psion locating you is more skilled). Also keep in mind that, unless programmed otherwise, this shield has no defense mechanisms. That means that if a psion is able to locate you, they can attack the shield and easily destroy it, leaving you openly "visible" once again. One way to rectify this problem is to add extra programming. This programming may be on the lines of: "Reflect all attacks away" -- "Block all bad energy" -- "Do not allow reprogramming from anyone other than me." You also might want to add in a program to made it more durable against attacks. This can be done by simply visualizing the shield hardening into an impenetrable surface, and programming something like, "Become hardened and unaffected by all attacks". These are just a few suggestions to try. This shield can be very useful, don't forget about it.

There is one last method to hide your psychic fingerprint. This method involves the need to actually "tweak" your very energy field. I myself have done this once or twice, but I will not teach it here. Tweaking and messing with your field is a very dangerous thing to say the least. It is very easy to mess up, and even a little mistake makes for large damage (that is hard to fix, mind you). Although this method is very effective, it is very advanced and will not be taught in any article or manual.

Sig Relocation: How-To

So how do you relocate a sig? This involves taking a construct or thoughtform, and programming your sig into it. As you should know, any construct you make will have your fingerprint in it. Though it is possible to mask and partially remove this unique fingerprint from the construct, it is impossible to completely remove its trace. In this situation of Sig Relocation, you will want to purposely implant your sig into the energy in question. To accomplish this you must have a good grasp of two things: (1.) Being able to "just do" things (like the popular telekinesis method), and (2.) have a fair grasp of psionic signatures. Keep in mind that when I first learned this skill, I self-taught it. To be blunt, I "just did it", and then figured out how later on.

The easiest method is to simply take some energy, like a basic psiball, and put "yourself" into it. Think about this for a moment: What are "you"? When somebody scans you, they find "you". When people are around you, they "feel" you. This is the feeling that must be implanted into the psiball. Start by scanning yourself and trying to get a general "feel" for what you "feel" like, and strongly remember that feeling. Then take the psiball in your hand and "imprint" this feeling onto the energy. If you would like to use some visual programming methods, one might be to visualize your "essence". Then visualize part of this "essence" moving into the psiball and merging with the energy. Basically you want to just experiment and feel your way along, try some things out. Just try to "feel" your feeling imprinting onto the psiball. It is far simpler than it sounds once you understand it.

Once this is done, mask your sig (Above: Sig Masking). Then take the sig replicant (the psiball) and move it to a random location. Stick it in your backyard, send it to a friend's house, send it in the middle of the ocean if that's what you want. Then it will appear as if that is where you are located, and you will be effectively hidden. Once again, get some people to scan the psiball and test it out, make sure it all works well.

To make an even more affective "dummy", form the energy into a general shape that looks like you (something of a thought-form). Take a very large pool of energy, and form it into your general size and shape. After that, add in some basic color (skin tone, pants, shirt, basic face parts). All this should be done by simply visualizing it and willing it to be, just like you make a psiball. Once that is done, program it to hold its general shape and color. Now lastly, imprint your sig using the above method. To make it even more believable, shield the fake "you". Once it is shielded with a simple bubble (or preferably mirror) shield, imprint "yourself" onto the shield as well. Then move the entire "you" replica to another location. This is the gist of Sig Relocation, a very interesting and useful skill.

Sig Replication: How-To

So how do you replicate a sig? The replication of a sig involves the beginning skills of Sig Relocation, but upped a notch. You will need a slightly better grasp of sigs. The basics of Sig Replication involves taking another's psychic fingerprint, and replicating it onto a construct or thought-form. Applications are mentioned above, in the Intro to Sig Alteration.

You will begin by building a construct, such as a basic shelled psiball (once again). Keep in mind, though, that you can replicate a sig onto any energy, permitting that the energy does not resist (eg. a shield programmed to not allow anyone to replicate a sig onto its energy). Moving on, you will then find the target sig: Choose a person who's psionic signature you wish to replicate, then scan them. Get a strong impression of their "feeling" and their sig. Once this is done, it is very straightforward (if you can accomplish the previous Sig Alterations mentioned). Simply implant the sig in question, into the energy of your choosing (in this case, the psiball you just made). You do this by using the same method you used in Sig Relocation, but this time with another person's signature, not your own.

Various other applications exist, use your imagination. You can imprint any sig onto any thing made of psi (a shield, psiball, thoughtform, etc.). There also exists the possibility to replicate another's sig into your very energy field. This would be the very best method of making yourself appear to be somebody else (that somebody else being whoever sig you chose to replicate into your field). This is a very useful skill. However, as mentioned with Sig Masking, alteration of your field is advanced and extremely dangerous. Therefore, I will not teach this method either, period. I also do not recommend trying to figure it out on your own, as you may permanently damage your field.


I highly encourage you to read my "Emergency Defense Tactics" article found on this site. It utilizes many things mentioned in this manual in a slightly different way, among other things. It would be very useful to read and learn. Remember, safety comes first. Try not to make enemies, but if you have one, know how to defend yourself by masking and relocating your sig. Other applications apply for all three Sig Alteration techniques as well, and as previously stated, use your imagination. Good luck and be well.

Thread Shielding

by Cullen

There are two articles that are reqired reading:
Thread Construction by Cullen
The Strength of a Weave by FrozenFlames
You must be able to sustain complex thread-constructs with 5-6 threads woven together to be able to use the techniques listed in this article. It is highly recommended that you be able to program your threads.

All right everyone; let’s get down to it. This article is clearly about thread shielding. Now you might ask, why go through the trouble of learning this? Well the key reasons are:

  1. Reliability: The program density and cohesive properties of threads allow for a much stronger and longer lasting shield.
  2. Strength: the same aspects apply, allowing the shield to withstand more stress.
  3. Variability: Do to the nature of thread, this shield type allows for multiple defenses within the same space, without worrying about data degradation.

Here is the easiest way to create a thread shield when you are just starting out. First you need to create a shell of raw energy, programmed around you in the structure you want. Pump a rather substantial amount of energy into this area/shell-esque shield. Once you have a decent amount stored (of raw energy) program a strong resistance to change in shape, and then a basic mesh grid. Now condense this energy into an ovular (or whatever base shape you want) sturdy mesh grid. This therefore becomes your base thread and provides a place to weave in the rest of the threads.

The next step is to flow in extra raw energy, and make sure it is affected properly into an even shape by the initial mesh. Now then, Focus energy in front of you (probably between your hands) and create a large quantity of thread from it. This should be your primary defense programming (empathy, cloaking, whatever) now split the thread and weave it into the mesh, preferable getting a fairly even distribution. You need to make sure you can run 10-20 threads at once for this, basically by giving the same order and weaving them through, first vertically, then horizontally, or vise-versa. Once you have this thoroughly woven through make sure to set it in place, and test a little more raw energy with it. It should form the correct defense. Next you add whatever else you want the same way. I leave these next several threads to you, based on need, but remember not to put in two threads with conflicting programming (you will just rip the whole shield apart and have to start all over.) Once you have them all in place, you need to set up one last thread, which is programmed to maintain the data of the others. You can do this as either a tightly interwoven thread, or like a ‘laminate’ covering over all of them. If you chose to do it as a laminate, make sure you don’t accidentally direct the programming into the threads themselves, and mess up the whole project. The laminate style also acts as a protector, helping with data degradation, but again, is a little trickier to program.

And there you have it, your very own thread-shield.

Be careful on the weaves, if you don’t get a good tight weave the shielding can end up uneven.
Assign mental colors to the thread as you weave it. It helps for later repair and keeping straight which thread is which.

Thank you for reading this article, and my all your efforts be met with eventual success.

The Rules of Psionics

by Stony1205
Original Idea by Charles J. Sykes

Unfortunately, there are some things that psychics should already know, but don't. Not all of them have to do with psionics. As a modest wake up call, here are some basic rules that may not have found their way into standard curriculum.

-Rule No. 1- Life is not fair. Get used to it.
The average teenager (which is also the average age for members at PsiOnline) uses the phrase "It's not fair." 8.6 times a day. You got it from other members or your parents, who said it so often you decided they must be the most idealistic person ever. When they started hearing it from others, they realized rule No. 1.
-Rule No. 2- PsiOnline doesn't care about your self-esteem as much as your school does.
We expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself. This may come as a shock. Usually, when inflated self-esteem meets reality, members complain that it's not fair. (See Rule No. 1.)
-Rule No. 3.- Sorry, you won't get it the first time through.
And you won't be able to lift that knife or be able to flare either. You may even have to do this strange phenomenon called "practice"!
-Rule No. 4.- If you think the mods are tough, wait until you get a boss.
He doesn't have a tenure, so he tends to be a bit edgier. When you screw up, he's not going to ask you how you feel about it. So quit your complaining, you've got it good here at PsiOnline.
-Rule No. 5.- Listing to a newbie's ideas or difficulties is not below your dignity.
The senior members have a different phrase for a newbie's difficulties. It's called "Help and Respect". They weren't embarrassed to listen to someone who may not be as good as them. They would be embarrassed to make an ass of themselves and PsiOnline by making rude remarks to those who are smart enough to ask for help.
-Rule No. 6.- It's not the Moderator's fault.
If you screw up, you are responsible. We aren't here to clean your messes. This is the flip side of "It's my life," and "You're not the boss of me," and other proclamations of your generation. When you do something not advised, it's on your dime. Don't whine or you'll eventually get a `ban line.
-Rule No. 7.- We weren't as irritable before the idiots came to enlighten us.
We got this way by dealing with morons, deleting our countless amounts of spam, banning radicals and DBZ'ers, and having an overall hard time... Oh, and by the way, before you proclaim yourself "God's gift to psychics" take the time to read the articles. Let me give you a quote, "I am better than all of you put together!" *Later* "How do u make a psyball?"
-Rule No. 8.- Your school may have done away with winners and losers. Life and PsiOnline have not.
In some schools, they'll give you as many times as you want to get the right answer. Failing grades have been abolished and class valedictorians have been scrapped, lest anyone's feelings get hurt. Effort is as important as results I suppose. This of course, bears not the slightest resemblance to anything in real life. Here at PsiOnline you can only make an ass of yourself so many times... (See rules 1,2, and 4)
-Rule No. 9.- Life is not divided into semesters, and you don't get summers off.
Not even Easter break. They expect you to show up everyday. For eight hours. And you don't get a new life every 10 weeks. It just goes on and on. While we're at it, I'd like to stress this: Very few psionics sites (Including PsiOnline) are interested in fostering your self-expression or helping you find yourself. Fewer still lead to self-realization. Do that on your time, and don't waste ours. Truth is, we don't give a damn about your welfare. (See rules 1 and 2)
-Rule No. 10- Television is not real life.
Nobody here can stress this enough I suppose. If it isn't DBZ it's X-Men. Your life is not a sitcom or anime. Your problems will not be solved in 30 minutes, and you don't master a skill in 60. In real life --Now this is a shocker!-- people actually have to get off their buts and do something! OMG!! Nobody is as perky or pliable as Jennifer Aniston. Also on a side note you cannot blow anything up with psiballs, so please drop the subject whilst you still have some pride.
-Rule No. 11- Be nice to newbies.
They may be new today, but they may just show you up tomorrow.
-Rule No. 12- Bragging about your psychic powers does not make you cool.
Next time your out cruising, watch a pack of 5 year olds acting like they're goku. Well, that's what you look like to skeptics and non-psychics when you claim that you have amazing psychic abilities. Ditto for "expressing your inner power" when you join a cult.
-Rule No. 13- You are not immortal, nor are you god's gift to psychics.
If you are under the impression that living fast, dying young, and leaving a beautiful corpse is romantic or glory full, you obviously haven't seen one of your peers at room temperature lately. Going around thinking that you are "somebody" and using TK all day will end up with you having a liver thermometer. (For those of you who are lost, you'll end up dead thinking you can preform psionics all day.)
-Rule No. 14- Enjoy this time while you can.
Sure, practicing is a pain, school's a bore, and life is depressing. But someday, when you've accomplished much, and are well known at PsiOnline, you'll realize how wonderful it was to be a newbie. Maybe you should start now.
You're Welcome

Observations Over Four Years

by Peebrain

At the time of writing this article, I've been practicing psionics for four years. Granted, compared to naturals who have 20+ years experience on me, I'm just a toddler, but I'm starting to get a feel for how a "normal" psion would use their skills on a day-to-day basis. The following isn't really a "how-to" article, but rather an overview of how I've changed mentally over the past couple years to incorporate psionics into my life.

I've been asked countless times questions concerning my practice habits. How often I practice, how long are my practice sessions, what I practice, etc. When one first starts practicing psionics, these are important things to define. Here is a new skill that a newbie has to put time and effort into to learn. Whether it's constructs, shields, empathy, whatever - the skill is foreign to the body and has to be practiced regularly to be successful. Lately though, I have been practicing less, but still improving. Maybe that's poor wording - rather, I've had less scheduled practice sessions, but my skills are still increasing. When you finally accept the fact that psionics is just a part of life, you start to integrate it in everything without being aware of it. For example, if someone wants to know if their friend is feeling ok, they might ask how things are. While I still have that option, I also have the option of feeling the emotions of the target empathetically.

The thing is, to a newbie the option is conscious. To a psionic "toddler" as myself, it's more of a subconscious decision. I ask myself "I wonder how they are feeling?", and the information might be delivered to me in the form of an emotion (via empathy), or I might get an impulse to ask them "how are you?". Why is that useful? I find myself asking questions that I couldn't know without some form of ESP. Other times, information is presented to me without even asking the question. My friend walks by and my subconscious tells me, "he's fighting with his girlfriend." Or I wake up in the morning and hear "your father wants you to call him." My body performs psionic activities and learns without me telling it to, and alerts me of the results. This isn't exactly practicing, but explains why I would get better without really doing anything. Unfortunatley, for my body to perform psionics without my direct permission requires me to forfeit control. This doesn't mean I'm out of control, just that I trust my subconscious to act appropriately to gather information. But it does mean that I get unwanted side effects. Headaches are most common. I've gotten used to the constant slight pressure in my "third eye" area. Mood swings can be quite drastic at times. Excessive sleep from overworking. And while sleeping, I also tend to hit very strange states of consciousness, which can cause a lot of confusion. Nothing I can't deal with, but they're more than minor annoyances. While the "cons" get on my nerves every once in a while, the "pros" make it all worth it. I have the freedom to gather information on about anything I want. I have very good control over my body functions.

I can also manipulate my environment to achieve a certain goal. I'm having a hard time coming up with examples because, like I said, a lot of the decisions are made on a subconscious level. Let's say my friend is having a bad day. Why is he upset? Did something happen? Is the depression based off of an external variable? Let's say I want him to do something. What action should I perform to cheer him up and accomplish my goal at the same time? Should I say anything at all? Should I offer advice? Will he feel better tomorrow? When can I expect my goal to be accomplished? Can I get someone else to cheer him up? How? What do I need to do to most effectively accomplish my goal and make him feel better? These are very useful questions to know the answer to. It will dictate exactly how I should act around my friend. What's important is I never told my subconscious how to accomplish my goals. I list my goals to my subconscious and it will find the most efficient way to accomplish them, and report back to me what to do. I never say "empathetically link with my friend, and let me feel how he's doing". The psionic skills are on a lower level. While I still have access to them if I need something specific, my subconscious understands that it can use them as needed.

I don't know - I've been practicing for four years but I still have a little "inner-skeptic" that just finds a lot of this stuff unbelievable. Not in a sense that "you can't do that!" but in a sense that "wow, I would have never thought this would have happened". If you plan on practicing psionics for longer than a year or so, be prepared for permanent changes in your personality and lifestyle.

by Stony1205

This article needs to be updated. Things have changed since I wrote it, but many things still apply. ~ Stony 02/07/2007

When I first started psionics about six years ago, everything was really quite simple. I would go onto PsiPog and read the articles there, hoping to find something I hadn’t before. It was all about learning and just having fun with it. But once the innocence of being a newbie at a new site started to wear, my understanding of “The Politics” began to change. No longer was this just a website with cool articles and cool people, it was an organization that was in limbo with many others just like it. I soon learned that things weren’t as simple as they appeared.

I’m not going to try and tell a life story of any individual site. By mentioning PsiPog, I’m not putting them down or giving them props in anyway, this is just where I spent my time as a newbie. However, I am going to describe the situation in the online psionic community as I see it. This doesn’t mean that’s how everything actually is to everyone, this is just my opinion. It wouldn’t be a rant otherwise.

No longer is the online psionic community made up of a few tiny sites on crappy servers, run by webmasters just because they could. No longer are sites made up of only 50 or so members, who all give in equally every day, just to try and find something new and fun. Today, the online psionic community is a huge place of interaction and information exchange. Places like PsiPog and Veritas have grown from small sites to mammoth “monopolies” on the information market. At the time of writing (6/28/2005) PsiPog had around 5000 people signed up in its databases. I’m sure the webmasters of these sites never dreamed that their little spare time project would turn out into the great hub of learning that it is.

Despite the huge sites, there are many medium and small organizations that are just as valid as a site with 5000 members. PsiOnline is nice small-medium site that has great articles and a good strong member base of 301. Our smaller numbers allow us to operate a forum, which ties the community closer together, and allows everyone to get to know each other. You can actually have “regulars” with a small community, as you don’t have to know as many people. Everything is easier to organize and afford, as it is on a smaller scale. But there is something that all organizations share if they have any “influence” in the online psionic community. They are share a part in “The Politics”.

As with any large group of people, there are goings on that seem to create that weird gut feeling you get whenever there is scandal, or secretive stuff going on. The same thing happens in this community, except that 90% of that group doesn’t even realize it. After a few years in an organization the moderators and owners should begin to know who you are and make you “in” (If you aren’t an asshole). When I say “in” I mean more in the ranks of a respected and valued member, rather than the regular Joe. It is this at this point that you begin to understand the ins and outs of what goes on behind all the articles and seminars. You begin to learn about the nitty-gritty of running a community. You begin to lean about grudges and past events that have shaped how the community is today.

The politics of a psionic community can run very deep. Small trivial events may end up in the whole website disbanding, if given enough time. But the politics of a website aren’t always with one person. There can be large scale conflicts with other sites that cause members to leave one site for another. There is one case in my mind in which this has gone to an extreme, but I will not name specifics for the sake of those involved. People have left the organizations that they volunteer at, to start their own sites. In many cases, they try to drag other members, usually their friends, with them. This has caused some people to stop visiting all communities, which is a real shame. Why all this turmoil? When you have this much contact, sometimes the stress is too much, or in some cases, you do not like the ideas that the webmaster has.

Part of the problem with many of the management systems in psionic communities is the establishment of totalitarian control of the site. This system, although instantly effective against rule breakers and bad behavior, eventually causes a rift in the community. The hierarchy usually runs Admin -> Moderators -> Respected Members/Oldies -> Everyone else, with there being a terrible large social gap between Respected Members and up, and the rest of the community. Some people are could care less about the “higher ups”, but some feel left out, and when they ask questions, they are usually kicked or banned. That said person now has a personal problem with the moderators of that website, so they go elsewhere with their hatred, and create a sense of tension in another community. If enough of this happens, banned members form groups in other communities, which forces the two sites to clash. The unfortunate problem, is that the most effective way of managing a website is the totalitarian approach.

A democracy in a website usually doesn’t turn out well, especially with a large member base. If members want something the webmaster doesn’t, chances are, the webmaster will just ignore the members, or water down what they voted for. This can cause members to distrust their webmaster, and leave the site. A way around this is a website council, which mediates between staff and the rest of the members, to try to find middle. This works in keeping order, but slows down the progress of the site to a crawl.

With such different systems of organization, no wonder it is so difficult to try to make communities share information with one another. Add this with internal problems such as staff disputes, and conflicts (which sometimes include attacks, stalking, and other assorted nasties), and nobody has time to work out issues. So the political issues fester until they explode, and people usually end up getting hurt in the process. So what are the solutions? What can we do to stop this political bickering and just get back to studying psionics? There are two solutions, and only one is viable.

Solution one would be for everyone to grow up and just drop all the complicated relationships and political aspects of running a community. This is not human nature, and is an impossible idea.

The only other step I see is for a creation of some kind of unified community. Not for everyone to be involved in, but just so staff and respected members can get together and solve the disputes that they have learned so much about. My attempts at UOPC (United Online Psionics Community) have been nearly stopped. Besides creating a website, there are logistical problems that need to be dealt with. You need to invite all the communities, or people are going to feel left out, which is exactly what you’re trying to eliminate. On the other hand, some communities do not like each other particularly well. If website A sees website B on the list, neither will join, causing another rift in the community. Catch 22. It is almost too late to create this kind of organization, because it would have to have been implemented years ago to prevent problems. But it is currently our best option as a community.

So after all this, what am I trying to say? I would like to step back and say “Hey, why can’t everything just be simple again? Stop all the crazy politics and old grudges. Stop worrying about if psychic X is going to come back and cause trouble. Why can’t we just go back to the way things used to be 2, 3, 4 years ago, when all we really wanted was to just practice and have a good time? Why does there have to be a system of such strict order in all the communities?”

When I used to go to PsiPog back in my earlier days, I could count on walking in and getting a greeting from my buddies, and just chilling out. I knew everyone, and everyone knew me, and when there was a newbie, we tried to assimilate them into our group, not keep them out of the “click”. I refer to PsiPog as if it’s the only place, it isn’t. This is the same in every community. I’m just using it as a good, large scale example. Its hard to see a group of “regulars”, they all leave so much. I would just like it to be easier, so we can actually get down to the real business.

It would be nice if we could drop all the hassle of community ranks and website relationship problems, and just get back to practicing and having fun. Can we do that?

The Visual Workout

by Stony1205

For those of you who have made any kind of energy construct before, you’ll know that the process takes a “mental picture”. This kind of visualization has to be performed many times in order to become stronger, as with any skill. However, visualization can go way beyond just picturing things for a construct. If done properly, first person visualization can be used as a very powerful exercise tool. How so?

If you’ve read any Remote Viewing articles, there is a technique in there that calls for you to “look” at your target in a first person setting. What does this mean? It means that what you are visualizing should be seen from your eyes. You should not be seeing your body from above, or from the side. Just from your eyes. If you don’t get the first person perspective down, this will not work. In order for you to understand this, you have to realize that you can trick your Subconscious into thinking something else.

The first step to this is keeping the visualization as real as you possibly can. In this article, we’ll use a weight room’s bench press as an example. I would assume most of you have been in a weight room at one time or another. Even if you haven’t, I’m sure you’ve seen a bench press. Although this is primarily a visual workout, try to use every sense possible. Try and smell that nasty man sweat, the old iron (or steel) bars. Listen to the clang of the plates, and the grunts of other people lifting way to much :-P. There’s nothing to taste in a weight room, unless you’re odd like that, anyway…

The visualization is the meat of this process. It is hard to explain without an example, so I’ll just take you through one repetition of a bench press. To further assist you in these visualizations, it is best to lay down, so you can concentrate fully on the visualization. Be sure to turn off all distractions, and silence all noise, in order to help you keep your focus. Now that you’re all comfortable, we can begin with the fun.

“You walk up to the press, and your friend has already set your preferred amount of weigh on the bar for you. They smile and say, ‘Ok three sets of ten, let’s go tough guy.’ You smirk back. You loosen up your shoulders, take a few deep breaths, and sit yourself on the end of the press. You lay down, and notice that the gym was too cheap to buy new padding, and can feel the imprint of the last guy to use the machine. Wiggling around a tad, you get in that perfect position. Your slightly sweaty hands grasp the bar and find their mark. The muscles in your arm tense up, as you push the bar off of its holders. Another deep breath is taken into your lungs, and you let the bar down onto your chest. Exhaling heavily, you thrust the bar up, feeling the burn. You hear the count of ‘one…’ by your spotter. Breathing in, you let the bar down again, slightly relaxing as the weight seems to feel a tad bit less. You exhale again, and a little grunt lets out as you extend your arms up again, and raise that heavy bar up into the air. ‘Damn light, it’s right over my face. What moron designed this?’ you say to yourself…”

Although that was a lengthy paragraph, you can see the type of detail you’re going to need in order to pull this off correctly. I’ve read articles about Olympic athletes who use this very same technique along with their training, in order to become stronger. How does this work? Your subconscious can be tricked into thinking that a visualization is real, and actually work your muscles in the process, even though you’re completely relaxed. Using this with regular exercise can boost your rate of improvement drastically. Even using this method alone, can make you stronger. This exercise can improve how your constructs react to your visualizations, and make them “listen” to you better. Remember, detail matters, and keep practicing!

Thread Construction

by Cullen

Hi again everyone! I doubt that any of you have ever heard of thread constructing, since I am pretty sure that I just made up the name. Others might have done this before, but I have been experimenting with it and found it to be pretty awesome.

1. Be able to control decent amounts of energy.
2. Be able to hold several constructs in place with your mind.
3. Be able to leave constructs alone for more then three days and have them NOT fade away.
4. You really do need a good amount of experience with constructing, this is not a beginner skill.

The way this programming method works is by using highly portable and condensed constructs that I like to call Threads. Basically you need to do two things to make a Thread construct.

1. Focus a decent amount of energy into a point in space without actually programming it, just guiding it with your mind.

2. Create a very small bit of programmed energy that will act as a thread.

That is it for what you need, the implementation is where it gets cool. This method starts with a basic psiball, but you do not need a large amount of energy. Focus a decent amount (probably about half of what you would need for a ‘strong’ psiball) into an area about the size of a dime. Program it now with a couple of general commands, and the specific command you want it to have: For example:

1. Hold together
2. Form energy around threads into ball shape
3. Split into threads
4. Hold compact thread shape.

Three and four tend to work together, and can be programmed simultaneous. The thread then takes control of the energy and uses it in the same way that it was programmed. Essentially making a homogeneously programmed psiball or whatever, but you only program a small portion of it. That is kind of cool, but the REALLY cool stuff is what happens next. Now you have a psiball that doesn’t need to be shelled because it is controlled by the internal threads. Well, you can fit a lot more than one thread web inside the psiball. For practice purposes, lets put in another thread set. Program another small clump of energy to send out an energy ‘ping’ every second or two. Weave this in so it meshes evenly with the threads that hold the psiball in place. Next you could ad a third weave that is set to draw energy back into the ball from you, or a nearby source. All of the tiny constructs utilize the same energy reserve at the same time. It creates almost a fabric of programming. As long as you don’t to any seriously constructing programs, you can fit many different programs into the same psiball. Also, you can “un-weave” it by pulling the threads out again, and you don’t have to de-program the original psi, because it was only being harnessed and formed by the thread constructs. (Very useful for energy recycling.)

There are other affects that I have noticed with this method of constructing. When you scan a construct that has been made you cannot tell that there are threads within it. The construct, from the outside looks like a normal construct, but if you can get inside it you can differentiate all of the different threads. The trick is the thread programming itself. You need to have a solid concept in your mind of what each thread will do once it has been entered into the energy ball. If you want the energy to be held in a shell, you need to weave in a thread that forms a shell on the outside. If you want a specific shape, another thread that governs shape must be added. The tighter together you place the threads, the more can be woven into the construct, limiting this method only to how many constructs you can create.

Just an afterthought in case you are confused about the production of the thread.
1. Create the condensed energy.
2. Program it.
3. While still condensed, have it ‘spool’ itself into an even tighter wound thread.
4. Reinforce the programming that keeps the thread shape.
5. Don’t over power it. I have had cases where flowing too much energy into the construct will ‘burn out’ the thread, causing it to loose it’s program.

Just one more thing to go over, and that is weaving the threads into the construct. I have found that different patterns work well for different objectives. Like, if I want the thread to control shape, I will have a central point, and have the thread spread out into spokes around the entire construct, connecting to the outermost part of the energy, thus giving it control. Any threads governing power regulation, or shelling, I will weave into a mesh that is on the outside of the overall construct. Then if I want to add a flare, or a construct that makes sure the other’s don’t loose their programming, I will spider web it amongst all the constructs from the inside out, connecting it to all the other threads and ‘tying’ it around them at several points.

Some difficulties I have had:
1. If the threads are not programmed very specifically they can ‘unravel’ in a sense and the construct falls apart.
2. If there is programming in the raw energy that you are placing the threads into, it has a tendency to conflict with the thread programming. (Don’t accidentally program a shape or something of the like into the raw energy.
3. While it is fairly easy to ‘unweave’ threads from the construct, actually de-programming the threads and destroying them I have found to be difficult, if made properly they are very resilient and resist changes in programming. While this is good for keeping your constructs intact, it makes clean up a bit harder then usual. I recommend surrounding the threads with energy programmed to ‘pull apart’ or ‘eradicate’ the thread. Then you just have to de-program the normally programmed psi-ball as opposed to trying to destroy a hair-thin dense energy thread.

That is my technique of Thread constructing. I hope you where able to follow along, if not, feel free to PM me on the boards or chat for clarification.

Have fun and experiment with this tech...

Programming with SunTzu

by SunTzu

All of the energy manipulation I have experienced relies upon two concepts; energy and intention. This article is on the intention part of manipulation. This, I think, is one of the easier subjects in all of psionics, once you understand it. I say this, because essentially, you have been doing it all along without ever noticing it. For example, when you create a psi-ball, is it round? If you said yes, then it was programmed to be round, as energy in its natural state is not. There are several approaches to programming. So, now that you have realized that you already know how to program, let's get into what it is. There are several approaches to programming, being conceptual, visual, and tactile (listed in accordance to how often I use them).

Also, a word to the wise, please do not be reading this article if you cannot at least create a psi-ball. Just a thought, but why would you be reading the article on programming psi, if you cannot gather it already?

Conceptual Programming

For those of you that have made a shield, did it stay with you if you walked around? It should have, merely because that is one of the things that you typically associate with a shield. This is conceptual programming. In order to do this, what you have to do is attach a concept along to the energy that you are working with. As you gather the energy, give it focus, give it intention, try to think of what you are gathering the energy for, and what you would eventually want it to do. This is conceptual programming, and is usually the hardest for beginners to grasp, and the one of the easiest for most advanced users. Don't worry newbies, you get used to it, but for now, attempt one of the other forms of programming for now, and rest assured.

On to Visualization!

As you make a psi-ball, what are you thinking that it looks like? You are seeing it as a round ball of energy, and thus it forms to one. In order to program visually, as you create it, see the energy that you control. I.e. watchit form a ball, see it turn, see the room getting colder.

Now, Tactile

As for tactile programming, you have probably already done it with the psi-ball, as well. When you were creating the psi-ball, what were you trying to get it to feel like? Later on as you created psi-balls, did you try to make them hot? Or cold? Doing so is tactile programming, or programming by feel. Essentially what you are to do with tactile programming, is impress the feel upon the energy. Visualize the feel of something (soft/hard, cold/warm, round/pointed, ect.), and focus that intention upon the energy, thinking that thought at it. If you did it right, the energy should respond as you programmed, or told, it to.


So, in summary, to program a triangle psi-ball that is cold, create a psi-ball, and think of it as a triangle with things you associate with a triangle, or see it forming into a triangle, or feel the points of a triangle. Then think at it the concept of being cold along with things you think of when you hear the word cold, or see it being a colder color (typically white/blue), or think at it the feeling of being cold.

Programming Sensations

by MindMover

Psi constructs can be programmed to perform a variety of tasks and effects. They can be used in a myriad of ways that can be useful and quite fun. Once you have learned basic programming you will want to expand on it and use it to create some physical sensations. This article is directed mainly at that, the programming of sensations into a psiball. Some examples of these physical sensations are hot, cold, and itches, although I am sure the possibilities are endless. In this article are some of the more useful programs as well as the techniques I use to program them. The below information is what I have found to work best for me, which means it might not be best for you, but either way, I think you will find it extremely helpful. If you are reading this article than I assume you are competent in making psiballs, constructs, and of course, programming. If not, please read those articles first because this will only get you confused and frustrated when you are not able to get results.

In the programs that follow, I will explain a variety of visualizations, and tactile visualization to put sensations into psi constructs. You do not need to use both when you're programming your construct, but you must have a clear idea of what it will be. If what you read does not connect for you then substitute something that does in its place. For example, if I say imagine red psi flowing into your hands to make it hot, it will not work for you unless red means hot to you. If you equate yellow with warmth then use that. Remember, the most important thing when programming is to have clear intentions, and to make sure you understand what you are doing and why you are doing it. Now that you better understand what this article is all about, it is time to learn and experiment. When programming sensations, it is important to understand what the sensation is that you want to program. You need to be able to recall the sensation and then transfer it to the construct. The first step is to get a feeling for the sensation. Remember what it feels like and try to duplicate that feeling.

Here are some ways of getting the sensations. Hot: Breathe warm air on your hand, run your hand under warm water, place your hand under a warm light bulb and feel the heat. Cold: Breathe cold air on your hand, place an ice cube on you hands and move it around, stick your hands in the freezer (don't get frostbite :-P) Itch: just remember what it felt like the last time you had an itch :) Visualization can also be a useful tool. Like I stated in the introduction, people associate different colors with different things. Maybe when you're making your warm psiball you like to visualize yellow psi flow in. However, visualization should not stop at color. Maybe visualize fire pooling and swirling in your hands. Maybe when you are trying to program an itch you can visualize feathers, as long as it connects for you. You must be creative here and try different things out. When programming sensations it is important to use a variety of the techniques described. And yes, combinations work very well. Now that you understand the basic concepts, I will give a brief outline of how I would go about programming a sensation into a psiball, and then put it in an example. First, I would figure out what sensation I wanted to program (it is important to know this from the beginning). Once decided on, I would try to recall the feeling, and if possible, try to feel it using some of the techniques I explained before. I would begin to allow the psi to flow into my hand, using whatever visualization possible, and try to put the sensation into the construct.

At this point, whatever your goal was should start to be felt. If not, then keep practicing. Now to apply this to a sensation. A tickle can be felt easily, so let’s program that. I know what I want, so I’ll identify the sensation now. Simply tickling the palm of my hand helped me to get a hold of this sensation. Now, I am imagining small feathers flowing and forming a ball in my hand. I can start to feel a tickling sensation on both palms and my fingers. I have added enough psi, and my construct is complete. See, pretty easy, huh! Remember to practice this; it will most likely not come the first time. A little effort can go a long way. Have fun, experiment with this, and do what works for you. If you have any questions, you can post them on the PsiOnline forum.


by FrozenFlames

Advanced Energy Manipulation and Programming (aka psychoenergetics) requires a deep skill in trancing, sensitivity, and energy manipulation. It is a priceless skill, however, and can easily be applied to many other skills, such as Crowd Control (via Telepathic/Empathic Suggestion). To understand and accomplish this, you first need knowledge of how energy patterns work in conjunction with programming. You can find this information in my Basic Energy Programming article. From here, we expand.

Seeing the Patterns

The first step is to enter a heavy trance. When I say heavy, I mean as deep as you can go without falling asleep completely. Next, you have to expand your "vision" and sense out around you to begin feeling the vibrations of ambient energy. The goal here is to effectively combine your real vision with your psychic sight (the "eyes" that you use when you scan energy). Once this is done, you may begin to "see" patterns of energy flowing off of everyone and everything. All of these pattern waves are different, yet simple. However, when one person walks into a room (or even more effective, walks into the vicinity of another person) his or her pattern begins affecting the other patterns. It creates a complex wave of interaction in which every minor thing affects something else, causing an infinitely complex domino effect.

Theories of how Natural Empathy works can relate to these patterns; one human's EMF (Electromagnetic Field) will affect another's in a very subtle or drastic way. For this example, we will call the original person: PersonA. We will call the person who is being affected: PersonB. If PersonB's subconscious is sensitive enough to pick up on PersonA's distortion, PersonB's subconscious will duplicate it within his mind and body. This will cause the PersonB to actually feel what PersonA is feeling. Thus, Natural Empathy occurs. The size, energy strength, will power, and pattern of the person's EMF all play a role in how it will affect the world around it.

Once you begin to "see" these patterns in your heavy trance state, you're on your way to entering a PIM (Pattern Interpretation Mindstate). The next step is to learn, to some extent, how these patterns work.

Effecting the Patterns

Now that we can sense these patterns, we must begin experimentation with them. Once again, you must enter a heavy trance. Then, expand your sight once more to see these patterns affecting the world around you. Start simple for now; only view the area that is approx. ten feet out from you in all directions. Begin to see the energy pattern waves flowing all around you. See your field and it's unique pattern, and see how its pattern effects all the patterns nearest it, and how those patterns in-turn effect other patterns, and so on. Meditate deeply on this; it can be quite relaxing and, at the same time, very interesting.

Now we need to begin affecting these waves of complexity. Start by creating a simple psiball, then shell it. Once this is done, move it slowly around the ten-foot area. Watch as the pattern within the psiball's shell (the programming) begins affecting the ambient patterns in the room. Watch as, when the psiball touches your field, it effects that portion of your field ever so slightly. Next, bring the psiball back and program the psiball itself to emit a certain pattern wave (of your choosing). This pattern can be drastic or subtle, fast or sluggish. Then, set it loose in the same ten-foot area. Watch as the emitted pattern changes the pattern that flows through the room. Watch as it also changes the smaller patterns surrounding each object. Look the objects that are handled a lot or that you have emotional attachment to. Notice how they emit odd patterns of their own.

As a last step for this exercise, we will use our field as the manipulator. Begin by destroying the psiball and meditating on the patterns of the ten-foot area once more. Then, put about 75% focus directly on your field, and feel it as just another extension of your body (after all, that's what it is). After you have a firm grip on your field along with a strong focus of the energetic area around you, begin forming the intent. The intent to cause a wave of cause-and-effect (the butterfly effect) in a certain point of the room. From here, extend your field and intent outward to this point, and will that spot to do as you forethought. The patterns in the room should begin changing in a subtle way, effecting each other by a butterfly effect caused simply by the extension of your field coupled with your will. If you have begun to understand how these patterns work, then the state you are in is what I call the PIM (Pattern Interpretation Mindstate).

Advanced Programming

Now, we all realize that the programming of a construct is actually just that construct having a certain pattern to it. And this pattern is what causes the energy to behave in certain ways, essentially causing the energy to carry out any programming commands that was given it. Most of the time that we program, we simply state our will to our subconscious mind by means of visualization or command repetition. From there, our subconscious is the one who patternizes the construct. It is a good thing that this is the way things are too, because there is no way on earth any conscious mind could remember the millions of patterns, the millions of different ways each pattern effects the other patterns, and the millions of ways these pattern combinations work together. This is also the reason programming skill increases exponentially (if a steady practice regime is in place), the more you learn, the more you subconscious understands each pattern and the quicker it can interpret the others. Now, however great it is that patternization of energy takes place subconsciously, it can be even greater if done somewhat consciously. This is where all the aforementioned topics of this article come into play; all that skill and experience in consciously effecting patterns (though fantastic in and of itself, giving you the ability to program and manipulate faster as well as the application to Empathy) is needed in Advanced Programming. To begin advanced programming, you must once again reach the PIM. This is obviously done by entering a deep trance and then meditating on the patterns around you, as done before. Once in the Pattern Interpretation Mindstate, create a construct with some sort of program (just make sure that this program is much more complex then a simple "hold together"). Observe the pattern of this construct and meditate on it for a few minutes. Next, destroy the construct and move on to the next step. Begin pooling a mass of energy in front of you, it is easier (for now) to work with a larger amount of energy. Make sure that the energy is dense however; we do not wish to trade size for density. Next, you have to do something that will possibly be very hard, all at once. What we want to do here is manually insert a few simple patterns into the energy at once and have them affect each other. When three patterns affect each other, a more complex pattern is created. When four patterns affect each other, something extremely complex is created, and so on. So what we want to do is insert a few simple patterns into the energy and have the ending result be the construct that we previously programmed and destroyed. This manual method of programming is extremely difficult; perhaps the hardest part is actually understanding what to do. It is hard, at first, to know what patterns to combine. Most likely you'll find yourself sitting there, clueless. However, this manual method has many benefits. The first, most obvious benefit is the speed and simplicity of programming (once you get the method down). You can combat that with, "I can get just as fast with my normal method of programming". But, with this method you can program quite a number of constructs at once, spreading your pattern emission wave over a wide range. That can also be combated, so the question remains: why use this method? Self-Defense is one, very pertinent, answer. When struggling to interpret the programming of an attacking construct, you can simply enter the PIM and see through all the mechanisms that hide the programming and sig. From there, it is quite easy to insert your own patterns into the construct and bypass any resistance to re-programming. When in the PIM, you get down to the very base of programming and can see the mechanisms that make the construct function, allowing you to bypass anything that previously prevented your mental "hack" into the construct. This enables you to more easily destroy the program function that is harming you. When performing manual programming such as this, you become fluent in understanding and manipulating patterns, allowing your programming skills to improve more than previously imagined. This also improves the ability to shield against incoming attacks with more proficiency. There is one last method of Advanced Programming that takes place in the Pattern Interpretation Mindstate. This obviously includes manual manipulation as well, and actually builds upon the previous method (making this one slightly more difficult). The purpose of this method of programming is to make the construct more efficient, and to drastically cut down on any program corruption. This also allows for more efficient dormant programs that only "kick in" once a certain circumstance comes into play. You begin by entering the PIM and pooling a mass of energy in front of you. Next, you take the patterns that you would normally combine, and contain them inside a shell. You then insert these into the energy mass. From here, you would form everything into a more economical shape (shelling the energy mass and making is smaller, arranging the shelled patterns so they aren't simply floating around inside aimlessly, etc.). Also, as a side note, make sure that the shells of the patterns have an anti-pattern within them; this way the pattern within the shell does not affect the shell and cause a horrible mess of corruption. Next, you want to program these shells to release and re-contain these patterns when certain things take place. This makes the construct quite versatile. Basically what happens is the construct goes about its task, then when something happens that causes the shell to release another pattern, the construct is re-programmed and does whatever its new program tells it to do (as a result of whatever activated the pattern's release from the shell). Holding these patterns separately within the construct until needed cuts down on any corruption that might come from all of the patterns being mixed in what would be an over-programmed construct. Once a pattern is released it can change the entire nature of the construct, or only effect it on a small scale, depending. For those who have read my Core Construction Manual, the concept is very much the same. The construct itself operates like a team of smaller applicatio ns, much like a human cell.


Overall, even if you choose not to do these methods of Advanced Programming, through entering the PIM your Energy Manipulation skill will increase. This includes your skills in programming. Not only will entering the PIM allow you a much greater skill in Energy Manipulation, but it also allows for forms of Crowd Control and Manual Empathy. The skills in this Manual Empathy can also, as previously stated, be used to create more efficient shielding. And on the topic of shielding, through this newfound knowledge in patterns, your self-defense should improve as well. Overall, I hope this article has given you a few things:
1.) An overall improved understanding of how programming works
2.) A vast improvement in your Energy Manipulation skills through PIMs
3.) A skill in Crowd Control and Manual Empathy
4.) More effective shielding

The Basics of Visualization

by Devil's Advocate

The first very simple question is, "What is Visualization?" It seems relatively simple. It's forming a picture of what you want to do. The problem is when visualization gets mistaken for programming. The two are not the same. Visualization is the first step in programming. It is not, in and of itself, programming.

The primary purpose of visualization is to fix the idea of what you are attempting to accomplish in your own head, in terms you can easily and simply understand. The human mind is limited by what it can grasp. Now, I am not speaking in the terms of 'we only limit ourselves!' There are limits to everything. Try to actually conceptualize infinity. Intellectually it is easy to say 'it goes on forever', but the actual concept of infinity (the reality of endlessness) is not easy to fully conceptualize.

In the same manner, it is not easy to fully conceptualize psionics, especially for the beginner. Several things get in the way. The intangibility of the medium is the first roadblock. You can't touch telepathy. You can't see empathy. A shield is not something you can box up and give to your mother for Christmas. Telekinesis can be explained away by too many natural phenomena. These things make it difficult for the mind to grasp how what is occurring, works. Visualization, from a practical stand point, is designed to help over come this roadblock.

When a psion visualizes a psionic effect, they are creating a mental metaphor for what they are doing. Let us use a shield as an example. When a psion visualizes a wall between themselves and the outside world, they take the known tangible concept of 'a wall' and apply the same /concept/ to an utterly different mechanism. A wall is a known concept, a known blocking surface. Walls keep the wind and weather out of houses. Walls keep things out of gardens that are not supposed to be there. The visualization of a wall fixes the concept of a barrier into the psion's mind. It is this concept that is then translated into the actual programming process. No classic wall is created, but the concept of blocking something otherwise intangible was applied to a construct and to psionic energy (which form the shield). This is the basic building block for concept programming.

In more complicated settings visualization helps the mind grasp things that are either normally outside the realm of human experience, or are simply too complicated to easily map out step-by-step and still follow. Still using the shield example, you want a shield that will do more than one thing. You want it to block off only unwanted incoming projection and ambient noise. You want one that will redirect unwanted constructs away from you. You want one that constructs can't latch onto unless you want them to, and one that will 'give' a little if something pushes to hard against it, and anything it just can't block it lets through for other shields to deal with. Now, each individual concept is relatively simple to comprehend and follow and program. The whole is harder to juggle in its entirety. You choose the visualization of a finely made silk privacy curtain. It is very tightly woven. There are no loose threads to catch on and it gives rather than trying to resist while redirecting things and people away from you just by being there. This makes the entirety of the concept easier to grasp and easier to keep in mind as a whole as you program the shield. Then you can focus on what parts of that visualization you want to emphasize in the programming, such as a very 'tight weave' to the threads of the shield. (Note: Thread constructs are not a basic set of constructs. They take a great deal of practice to get right. This is not a beginner's shield, but it is a good example.)

Visualization is a useful tool for both beginners and advanced psions. It allows complicated programming to be done quickly, by concept rather than step by step. This has applications beyond constructs. Visualization in telepathy and empathy can achieve the same affect. We do not know the exact mechanisms either empathy or telepathy use to project and receive thought or emotion. This makes it very difficult for the mind to grasp telepathy enough to actually perform it other than on an inefficient reflexive level. Conscious control of the ability of telepathy requires some level of comprehension. The most common visualizations for telepathy are essentially of a 'signal' being sent out from the physical region of the head in a 'direction' to the individual in question. You do not have to know how the signal is getting there, the concept of the 'signal' is real enough and comprehensible enough to your mind that it works.

Psionics is, by definition, almost purely mental. It is what your mind comprehends that happens. Visualization is simply the tool your mind uses to wrap what it doesn't know in terms of what it does. This can lead to many useful additions as the 'concept' is larger than the visualization. For example, a shield that is visualized as faceted may disperse incoming energy, even if it wasn't specifically told to do so. The concept of faceting involves the diffusion and refraction of light. Even if the psion doesn't understand the mechanics behind it, he or she has probably seen a faceted gemstone and the concept is still there. Visualization and concept programming are intrinsically linked, and a clear visualization can save a great deal of effort to a concept programmer, but visualization is not the program, it is simply your mind organizing itself in terms it can understand, so it can act on that organization.

Construct Corruption

by Stony1205

Up until now, many of you probably make most of your constructs with very simple intentions. For the most part, there is no need to make use of anything too horribly complicated. Yet, sometimes there are instances where complicated programming is needed. Let me provide an example for you go chew on, a telepathic message filter. Perhaps it seems a tad easy at first, but let's break it down a tad. You'll want it to:

  • Keep its programming
  • Regenerate from your energy supply
  • Keep out all non-friendly thoughts
  • Make sure it lets out all of your sendings
  • Allows sendings from friends to come in, but only if they don't contain anything harmful
That's a short list, but I think you get the basic idea. Now, if you don't plan things out it can be easy for your sub-c and the construct to become confused. If your sub-c becomes confused, it can usually sort out what you want it to do on your own. However, your constructs lack that intelligence.

Definition of a Construct Error: An event that occurs when a construct's programming becomes corrupted due to personal confusion in the creation stage, overuse of the construct, age of the construct, or outside influence, like a virus.

The following paragraphs will show you just how corruption works, and what causes it.

Natural Corruption

I've found over my years of practice and communication with other psychics, that people tend to overuse their constructs. They put large stress loads on them, and don't take the time to properly regenerate. When they programmed them last week, they didn't think as to how much they would be used, instead, the said person just "did it". It's similar to, "Hmmmm, I'm going to build a house, I don't know its dimensions, or even if the ground is level, I just want to build a house. Now gimme some bricks."

If this was the conversation your contractor had, I'd suggest leaving your home... now. When you don't plan out your constructs before hand, you end up destroying them after, and sooner than you might think. What many people don't realize is that your construct will work only in the exact way you tell it to. Constructs don't adapt to situations. They work quite similarly to a Windows application. If you don't program it for every little situation, you get a nice lovely error, or sometimes nothing at all. Basically the same thing here. So when you force too many commands into your construct, it becomes twisted, and can't handle all the information coming into it. The programming begins to weaken, and it eventually cracks and morphs because of the pressure. These can range from change in color, to totally change in the main idea.

I have a quick personal story (no, you can't sit in a circle on my floor) to tell you. I'm not proud of it, but It serves a purpose in this article.

As some PsiPog members may know, I like to experiment with various construct oddities. You could say that's my psychic hobby. I recently had an unfortunate mishap with one of my more successful constructs. Now usually, I only have a few projects going on at the same time, so I can keep them all recharged and up to date. However, one specific project required not one construct to get the job done, but about ten or so. I knew that would be too many for me to keep going at one time, so I created another construct to pump them up for me. To keep this from becoming my life's story, I basically made a giant battery for psiballs (giggles from the crowd).

It took me about a week to fully get this giant dry-cell up and running but I finally connected all the "wires". My constructs managed to be stable for about two days when I found some of them began to move around, and lose their responsiveness. After another couple of days, they lost form completely, and fell apart. Weeks of hard work ruined. It wasn't without gains, however. I learned a lot about the way energy works from this. I found out that energy has certain "stress loads" based on its size, density, and programming. If you overload constructs with energy, such as the unregulated amounts coming from my battery, they tend to give out finding space for all that extra and sudden energy. Such weaknesses make complicated programming a tricky art to learn. It may not be necessary for everyone to learn to program as complex as this, but if you want to become specialized in energy manipulation, you are going to need it.

Viral Corruption

Although this is an extremely rare occurrence, there are forms out there that can be dubbed "viruses". Many just follow you around or play psychic jokes, but there are a few that could cause you some grief. Again, these are highly uncommon, but they are out there. In fact, my community (area of about 50ish square miles) had a rather odd outburst of them about a year ago.

So how do these work? Viruses tend to float randomly about, not being directed at any specific target. They are usually copies of the original construct that were released on a mass scale. They attach themselves to other constructs, mostly shields, then they release their destructive programming. Think of them as a bubble with acid on the inside. When the bubble pops, the acid spills all over your shield, melting it away, layer by layer. Of course, the programming is more complicated than that, but that's the general idea. Disclaimer: Please don't go around making these constructs. This is considered in most parts of the world as an attack. Nobody here is going to bail you out if you get in hot water. Point being, don't be an ass.

There are ways to prevent such a devastating thing from happening to you. I'll list a few here.

  • Don't program your shields to deflect once hit, use them to repel things instead. This way, the construct won't know it attached to anything, and make a false infection.
  • Use "Anti-Virus" programming. This one is harder, but it can be effective on a long-term basis. Keep updating this one with construct signatures and examples, similar to Norton or McAffee.
  • Keep some repel shields around. These make viruses just zip away. Simple.
  • If you know an area is infected, use dummies to use up the viruses. Haven't tried this one, experiment for yourself.

So there you have it, two kinds of construct corruption. I hoped this helped make some of you realize that constructs aren't as pliable as you may think. Be easy on your programming. If you have to, make construct systems instead of one big one, and don't over do it. The simpler the better.

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