The Strength of a Weave

by FrozenFlames

In all of life we realize that weaving brings strength and stability. Every day we rely upon the intricate fabric that makes up the simplest things, such as our clothing. Each thread, woven in a labyrinthine manner. And yet, some weaves are as simple as a crossing, interwoven layer. Some weaves even make up yet another weave, such as a braid constructing a single thread that lies as part of a larger weave. However, one thing that stays the same with any weave: A proper weave brings strength and stability.

This common factor is something we all take for granted, I'm sure. But when it comes to the realm of parapsychology, the realm of psionics and energy manipulation in particular, many of us do not even think of how a weave might come into play. As it strengthens many things in our physical life, why not strengthen things that many would consider "non-physical"? Well, it can.

Weaving + Shields and Constructs
Although there are some other instances this may come in handy, we'll only discuss these two main ones.

Shields: Allow an easy example, than you can apply all of this however you like: One of my popular shield types is something I created entitled "The Vine of Thorns" shield. Although it has a very "lame" and "corny" name, it is fitting and the shield itself works quite well. One of the reasons for the shield's success is the weave. I use thick vines and weave them around me into a shield, though I think a "tangled mess" is a better way to describe how they look. Either way, the shield is the average shape (oval) and size, but instead of being constructed as one solid wall, it is a thick woven mess that is so tight it becomes impenetrable. The weave gives the shield "extreme strength and stability". Another factor is filtering. I can have the weave retract in one spot to let good energy through. Once that energy is through, the shield weaves itself back together. Or if a section of the shield is damaged, it simply extends the weave to cover up the hole (if it has a self-heal program). Mess around with these ideas and see what you get. One good way to test weaving is to make a mini-shield. Take a water bottle and put a shield around that (using thick woven strands rather than a solid wall). Than play with the shield, applying pressure and seeing how it responds. Once you're done with learning and experimenting on the small one, make a real shield around your body and see how it works. Just note that the weave must be tight, if it is not then two bad things can happen. The first, the weave might fall apart (much like Thread constructs will). The second, energy can pass through the holes in the weave pattern.

Constructs: The first idea that comes to mind is a shell. If you need a good shell, weave it. Basically a shell is like the reversal of a shield, in mini form (a shell's program is "hold stuff in", while a shields program is "keep stuff out"). The second idea that comes to mind are Threads (if you haven't read Cullen's Thread Construction article yet, do so now and then come back). Threads are very thin and dense strands of energy, with programming to enforce its program on surrounding raw energy. Sometimes threads are used as singular strands, other times they're used as a braided strands (for more stability), and other times they're used as woven shells (like I mentioned previously). One large factor of threads is how well they work, and one of the reasons for this is because they're woven. Cullen likes to use intricate and confusing weaves, but I like to stay on the simpler side of things (even if they don't work quite as well). Although, Cullen is a better energy manipulator than me, so perhaps what I think of being complicated, he thinks of being easy.

This article wasn't meant to be anything awesome, it isn't some huge "breakthrough". It's just here to give you some ideas to work with, and to realize that a lot of things that help you in life can help you in psionics. For example, weaving. Some other things that come to mind are shield shapes. Don't be foolish and make your shield in the shape of a square. When pressure is put on a physical square, it cannot support itself as well as if it was a sphere (because of how the weight is distributed). Remember, think before you construct.


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