Programming with SunTzu

by SunTzu

All of the energy manipulation I have experienced relies upon two concepts; energy and intention. This article is on the intention part of manipulation. This, I think, is one of the easier subjects in all of psionics, once you understand it. I say this, because essentially, you have been doing it all along without ever noticing it. For example, when you create a psi-ball, is it round? If you said yes, then it was programmed to be round, as energy in its natural state is not. There are several approaches to programming. So, now that you have realized that you already know how to program, let's get into what it is. There are several approaches to programming, being conceptual, visual, and tactile (listed in accordance to how often I use them).

Also, a word to the wise, please do not be reading this article if you cannot at least create a psi-ball. Just a thought, but why would you be reading the article on programming psi, if you cannot gather it already?

Conceptual Programming

For those of you that have made a shield, did it stay with you if you walked around? It should have, merely because that is one of the things that you typically associate with a shield. This is conceptual programming. In order to do this, what you have to do is attach a concept along to the energy that you are working with. As you gather the energy, give it focus, give it intention, try to think of what you are gathering the energy for, and what you would eventually want it to do. This is conceptual programming, and is usually the hardest for beginners to grasp, and the one of the easiest for most advanced users. Don't worry newbies, you get used to it, but for now, attempt one of the other forms of programming for now, and rest assured.

On to Visualization!

As you make a psi-ball, what are you thinking that it looks like? You are seeing it as a round ball of energy, and thus it forms to one. In order to program visually, as you create it, see the energy that you control. I.e. watchit form a ball, see it turn, see the room getting colder.

Now, Tactile

As for tactile programming, you have probably already done it with the psi-ball, as well. When you were creating the psi-ball, what were you trying to get it to feel like? Later on as you created psi-balls, did you try to make them hot? Or cold? Doing so is tactile programming, or programming by feel. Essentially what you are to do with tactile programming, is impress the feel upon the energy. Visualize the feel of something (soft/hard, cold/warm, round/pointed, ect.), and focus that intention upon the energy, thinking that thought at it. If you did it right, the energy should respond as you programmed, or told, it to.


So, in summary, to program a triangle psi-ball that is cold, create a psi-ball, and think of it as a triangle with things you associate with a triangle, or see it forming into a triangle, or feel the points of a triangle. Then think at it the concept of being cold along with things you think of when you hear the word cold, or see it being a colder color (typically white/blue), or think at it the feeling of being cold.


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