How to Alter Your Signature

by FrozenFlames

So what is a sig? It is a psychic fingerprint. Everyone has a unique sig, and it is permanently in their psi constructs as well as in themselves. Nobody can completely remove their sig, even from their constructs. If I want to scan Joey's shields, I must first locate them by using his sig. However, 99% of the time sig location is done, it is subconscious. Most people will simply think, "I wish to scan Joey," so they do. However, if Joey masks his sig, it will become extremely difficult to accurately scan him. The same goes for sending constructs. Most will simply program, "Go to Joey," into their constructs. The construct will then find them by using their sig, and then go to them. However, if their psychic fingerprint is masked, the result is obvious. So that is for what the sig is and does. But what does a sig feel like? That is extremely difficult to describe. Lets use some test subjects: Take a few people you barely know. Maybe look in your school Year Book. Now pick out about five random people. Look at the first person's name, picture, or both. Concentrate on it, but stay relaxed. Think about their name. A feeling may come to you, something that is hard to put your finger on. Now do the same with the other four. All of them should have different "feelings". Some may be similar, but like a fingerprint, all are different. This is their sig.

Intro to Sig Alteration

Hiding one's sig (or "psionic signature" and "psychic fingerprint"), is probably one of the most overlooked skills. Yet, in my opinion, it also stands strong as one of the most important skills. Imagine yourself a combatant. Now let us hypothesize that you are currently trying to scan your enemy so you may learn about his defense systems. But as a twist, let us say that your enemy has a Masking Shield around him. This shield does not make him "invisible", nor does it make him "unnoticeable", to the public eye. However, that only is true when discussing the aspect of face-to-face encounter. For when you attempt to scan your enemy with this particular shield, you find it impossible to "locate" him. It feels similar to attempting grabbing a fish in the water with your bare hands. It is near impossible to grasp the fish but once you do, it slips out of your grip and swims out of reach. It is very frustrating, to say the least. This is why masking your sig is so vital in certain situations.

A psionic signature is what all psions must use to locate you and scan you, hack you, attack you, etc. There is no other way. If that sig is "masked", then it is very hard to find. Thus, it is hard to do anything to that person. On the psionic/psychic "map", the person has virtually vanished. If one is more trained and better a psion than the person who is masked (or perhaps the Masking Shield was poorly made), it is possible to find them, but it still remains difficult.

Now let us delve deeper into this whole "sig business", and move onto the second topic of Sig Alteration. Imagine, yet again, that you are trying to find this enemy. You believe you have located your prey, when you come to realize that it is a signature dummy! You thought you had found your enemy, but in reality it was simply a replica of their sig sitting somewhere else in time, space, and the psychic realm. So you discard of the dummy and attempt to find your real opponent, in which you cannot because he or she keeps "slipping" from your grasp (the Masking Shield). The whole ordeal would be quite frustrating to say the least.

There remains one more sig altering technique to address: Sig Replication. This is where you replicate a sig (your own or another's) onto something, whether it be yourself, a construct, or thoughtform. This can be useful in many ways for offensive combat. It can come in handy for defensive purposes as well. I will not discuss the offensive purposes, however the defensive purposes I will confabulate briefly here: One purpose is mentioned in my article on last minute defense constructs. I talk about a construct I entitled a "Stamper". This construct has programming to seek out any target construct you give it, and imprint your own sig into it. The senario is that an enemy created attack constructs to destroy your shielding:

"Send this Stamper out, aimed at the attacker's shields. It then goes to his shields and puts your sig into it (a lot of shields actually won't block this, as it isn't an attack). Now that shield has its programming, the sig of its creator (whether hidden a little or not), and your sig (which usually looks like its "smeared" all over it). Now all those nasty little constructs that are aimed at you (your sig) will fly to the assailant's shield as well! It will be quite confusing when the attacker launches a few mean constructs, and he ends up hitting himself. Then he will most likely realize that his shield now has your sig on it (as it will feel extremely different). So now he will have to either: (1.) Remove your sig from the shield (which takes a certain level of skill), (2.) Put special programming in his constructs to ignore anything with his sig in it as well (which takes extra time), or finally (3.) Take down his shielding completely, and then put it up again (which is obviously the most unrecommended plan of action). So Stampers are a quick way to delay the enemies attacks, whether for only seconds or minutes."

Now you see one way in which Sig Replication can come in handy, replicating your sig onto an enemy's shield to trick the enemy constructs. Another way in which this would come in handy is for defending a friend. If you know your friend is under attack, you can replicate his sig onto a simple psiball, then send the psiball away to a random location. This would be Sig Relocation on another person's sig, a form of Sig Replication.

Sig Masking: How-To

So how do you mask a sig? Easy, with a specially programmed shield. If you do not know how to make a basic shield (or how to program one), find out now by means of reading an article on that particular topic. If you already know how to make a basic shield, then continue reading and we shall discuss the process of constructing the shield in question.

You begin by thinking over the programming and the process in which you will construct the shield. All your visualizations and thoughts should be thought over before hand (as with any construct). Then you begin the construction. So first, you will start by picking your preferred shielding method. Once you have picked this out, you will think over your programming words, feelings, or if you prefer, concepts. Along the lines of words, your programming might be something like, "Hide/mask my sig from anyone and everyone". Tactile programming methods might be something like the feeling of invisibility from the psionic community. For visual programming methods, you might like to see yourself unshielded. Then visualize the shielding forming around you, and the shield suddenly turning invisible (along with you inside it). You might like to visualize a psionic/psychic "map" that encompasses every human psionic signature. Then visualize a dot that represents you and your sig. Then visualize that dot "disappearing" and becoming invisible. You might like to use both methods. For this particular shield-type, I prefer the visual method only. I like to visualize myself in a black space, and then the shield forming around me and turning black, masking me into the fabric of the void I reside in. Another visual method might be to visualize people attempting to scan you, and you may visualize those scans at links shooting from their minds. Then visualize those links searching around, but never being able to find you.

Once you pick your method, you can begin. You might also like to "mess around" with different methods, to find the one that works best for you. Start by raising your energy level. You might like to warm up by making a simple psiball, giving it a basic program, and then destroying it. Then begin to form the shield. Once it is formed, program it the way you thought of beforehand. Or if you prefer, form and program the shield at the same time. Some people prefer to do things that way. Once you're done, kindly ask a few people to scan you. If they mention it being difficult because they couldn't "locate" you, then you've had success! Also note that if you do not know how to program or create a shield, as mentioned earlier: read an article on it. Programming and shield creation is outside the scope of this manual.

Remember that it is still possible to locate you while you are masked (whether it be because of poor programming on your part, or because the psion locating you is more skilled). Also keep in mind that, unless programmed otherwise, this shield has no defense mechanisms. That means that if a psion is able to locate you, they can attack the shield and easily destroy it, leaving you openly "visible" once again. One way to rectify this problem is to add extra programming. This programming may be on the lines of: "Reflect all attacks away" -- "Block all bad energy" -- "Do not allow reprogramming from anyone other than me." You also might want to add in a program to made it more durable against attacks. This can be done by simply visualizing the shield hardening into an impenetrable surface, and programming something like, "Become hardened and unaffected by all attacks". These are just a few suggestions to try. This shield can be very useful, don't forget about it.

There is one last method to hide your psychic fingerprint. This method involves the need to actually "tweak" your very energy field. I myself have done this once or twice, but I will not teach it here. Tweaking and messing with your field is a very dangerous thing to say the least. It is very easy to mess up, and even a little mistake makes for large damage (that is hard to fix, mind you). Although this method is very effective, it is very advanced and will not be taught in any article or manual.

Sig Relocation: How-To

So how do you relocate a sig? This involves taking a construct or thoughtform, and programming your sig into it. As you should know, any construct you make will have your fingerprint in it. Though it is possible to mask and partially remove this unique fingerprint from the construct, it is impossible to completely remove its trace. In this situation of Sig Relocation, you will want to purposely implant your sig into the energy in question. To accomplish this you must have a good grasp of two things: (1.) Being able to "just do" things (like the popular telekinesis method), and (2.) have a fair grasp of psionic signatures. Keep in mind that when I first learned this skill, I self-taught it. To be blunt, I "just did it", and then figured out how later on.

The easiest method is to simply take some energy, like a basic psiball, and put "yourself" into it. Think about this for a moment: What are "you"? When somebody scans you, they find "you". When people are around you, they "feel" you. This is the feeling that must be implanted into the psiball. Start by scanning yourself and trying to get a general "feel" for what you "feel" like, and strongly remember that feeling. Then take the psiball in your hand and "imprint" this feeling onto the energy. If you would like to use some visual programming methods, one might be to visualize your "essence". Then visualize part of this "essence" moving into the psiball and merging with the energy. Basically you want to just experiment and feel your way along, try some things out. Just try to "feel" your feeling imprinting onto the psiball. It is far simpler than it sounds once you understand it.

Once this is done, mask your sig (Above: Sig Masking). Then take the sig replicant (the psiball) and move it to a random location. Stick it in your backyard, send it to a friend's house, send it in the middle of the ocean if that's what you want. Then it will appear as if that is where you are located, and you will be effectively hidden. Once again, get some people to scan the psiball and test it out, make sure it all works well.

To make an even more affective "dummy", form the energy into a general shape that looks like you (something of a thought-form). Take a very large pool of energy, and form it into your general size and shape. After that, add in some basic color (skin tone, pants, shirt, basic face parts). All this should be done by simply visualizing it and willing it to be, just like you make a psiball. Once that is done, program it to hold its general shape and color. Now lastly, imprint your sig using the above method. To make it even more believable, shield the fake "you". Once it is shielded with a simple bubble (or preferably mirror) shield, imprint "yourself" onto the shield as well. Then move the entire "you" replica to another location. This is the gist of Sig Relocation, a very interesting and useful skill.

Sig Replication: How-To

So how do you replicate a sig? The replication of a sig involves the beginning skills of Sig Relocation, but upped a notch. You will need a slightly better grasp of sigs. The basics of Sig Replication involves taking another's psychic fingerprint, and replicating it onto a construct or thought-form. Applications are mentioned above, in the Intro to Sig Alteration.

You will begin by building a construct, such as a basic shelled psiball (once again). Keep in mind, though, that you can replicate a sig onto any energy, permitting that the energy does not resist (eg. a shield programmed to not allow anyone to replicate a sig onto its energy). Moving on, you will then find the target sig: Choose a person who's psionic signature you wish to replicate, then scan them. Get a strong impression of their "feeling" and their sig. Once this is done, it is very straightforward (if you can accomplish the previous Sig Alterations mentioned). Simply implant the sig in question, into the energy of your choosing (in this case, the psiball you just made). You do this by using the same method you used in Sig Relocation, but this time with another person's signature, not your own.

Various other applications exist, use your imagination. You can imprint any sig onto any thing made of psi (a shield, psiball, thoughtform, etc.). There also exists the possibility to replicate another's sig into your very energy field. This would be the very best method of making yourself appear to be somebody else (that somebody else being whoever sig you chose to replicate into your field). This is a very useful skill. However, as mentioned with Sig Masking, alteration of your field is advanced and extremely dangerous. Therefore, I will not teach this method either, period. I also do not recommend trying to figure it out on your own, as you may permanently damage your field.


I highly encourage you to read my "Emergency Defense Tactics" article found on this site. It utilizes many things mentioned in this manual in a slightly different way, among other things. It would be very useful to read and learn. Remember, safety comes first. Try not to make enemies, but if you have one, know how to defend yourself by masking and relocating your sig. Other applications apply for all three Sig Alteration techniques as well, and as previously stated, use your imagination. Good luck and be well.


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